thirty eight - where'd they go?

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And down went the front door.

But as the 7 officers entered the house on Christmas day, they discovered it to be empty. Yes, almost every piece of furniture was still there, and as for it might forever be, but it was missing the people.

They all decided to go different ways. One searched the living room, one searched the kitchen, one searched the bathroom upstairs, one searched Michael's bedroom, one searched Maggie's bedroom, one searched Willow and William's bedroom, and one searched the basement. Two officers had stayed outside on the lookout.

It seemed so quiet in the house, definitely not something any of them might have expected.

But the one searching the basement, might find himself with company.

He flipped on the basement lights, and carefully went down the steps. Immediately, something was off. He was met by this awful, awful smell. This was certainly no rat.

And as he turned his head to the left, he'd found what that terrible smell was.

There laid, a boy, dead for several weeks. His head captured inside some tacky bunny mask, his eyeballs fallen and gouged out, barely hanging onto his sockets. His skin had been a mix of pale, purple and brown all at once. Bugs of all sorts, including maggots had just begun eating away at the body.

But there was a note atop the wretched body. A note written in purple ink.

"Oh fuck me.." The officer slowly approached the body, holding his nose. He nearly gagged.

His shaky hand reached for the note, feeling as if the corpse was about to jump at him and grab his arm, pulling him towards it.

He read the purple, funny handwriting.

He should really consider himself lucky, this was my last bunny head and I really admired it. I suppose I'd have to make a new one. But, if you'd like, you may remove the head and keep it for yourself as a trophy! Oh, certainly not a trophy in finding me, but in finding something at least. I promise you, and all your little friends with ridiculous outfits, that you'll never find me again. You'll never find my family again. I admire your determination in this case, but it's safe to say you may put it to an end. Or, don't end it. Keep trying. I'll always come back.

P.S. It would be very much appreciated if you didn't touch my car :(

                                          With much love,
                                               - William J. Afton

The officer began to cough and he turned around, his stomach twisting into knots.

"You found anything down there?" An officer shouted from the basement doorway.

The officer chuckled with major disbelief. "Definitely something! What the fuck!"

The officer at the top came jogging down the stairs at the discovery.

The office whom had been holding his stomach, began to gag and couldn't stay in there any longer. He ran up the stairs and the officer who came down, stared at the body in horror.

He, unfortunately, was new to the job and hadn't seen something so gruesome just yet.

"Christ." He turned away from the body and towards the wall, pulling out his walkie-talkie and calling for the rest of his friends with ridiculous outfits.

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