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tw: force feeding & torture mention

and i genuinely don't know how long it takes to become a doctor, don't feel like doing research on it, so when he starts talking about the doctor shit just go with it😭

William's POV

Both Henry and Willow stared at me in terror.

It wasn't only the force feeding. It was the physical torture, for no reason. I'm sure that it's illegal, especially to take someone into a room just to physically scar them without reason behind it, but it happened anyway.

I'll never recover from that, but I can't say that it wasn't deserved. I did deserve it, I deserve death in all honesty, but I'd rather they had just killed me instead of doing it nearly every day.

"They did try to accuse me for the uh, Freddy's.. incident. But they quickly let that go." I said. "If I hadn't planned an escape with a long-gone friend of mine, I wouldn't have known how much longer I had before I couldn't take it anymore. We planned it for weeks, started talking about New York in front of staff, and then we just, disappeared."

I looked at Henry who slowly turned to his computer, beginning to type something. Willow was only staring at me. She hadn't moved an inch for the past 17 minutes, and I don't think she's blinked in about 6.

"Listen, I don't know how much longer until they begin to search here, but I can't go back there. They won't drop it until I'm found dead or alive, and I think I'd rather be found dead." I leaned forward onto Henry's desk. "But when they're looking for me, and they're only five minutes away, promise me, one of you will be there with me, and you'll kill me."

"Are you insane?" Henry quickly looked at me. "I don't care whose after you, I don't care if you've killed someone over self defense. If you're on the run, then when they find you, we're on the run too. At least I know I am. I'd have to take Charlotte and my wife with us, but I know they'd understand. You don't know what it was like here without you, and I can't just see you die before me."

It wasn't necessarily self defense. It would have been if I killed her while she was attacking me. But I chased after her when she let go. I just wanted to kill her.

If only Henry, you knew the things I've truly done. You'd never would have said that. You'd have already called the police. You wouldn't be caught dead seen with me.

But alas, you say this because you believe I am the good person in the room. My dear friend, you are the only pure of heart here. Willow is far gone. Can't you see what I've done to her? That day she walked into Freddy's, almost finished with college and on her way to becoming a doctor. She was going to save lives. She ended up doing the opposite, because of me.

Maybe she's physically saved my life once or twice. I guess she did get to live up to her doctor dream for quite a few minutes.

"I'm coming too." Willow shifted in her seat.

I know you are, my love. You've lost your mind. There's a loose wire up there.

"You two are putting your own lives at risk. I'd rather you'd only put mine." I looked at Willow.

Henry looked at his computer before turning it towards me. "You've made it to Lady Liberty."

The computer showed Liberty Island completely closed off, as the search for me and my cell mate continued. They truly believed my little lie.

I smirked to myself as I read the article below it, speaking on to beware of Ellis Island as well.

"Fools." I mumbled.

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