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^^ you can play the song anywhere during the car ride lol it's in the background as they talk

A. Huge. Van.

The van had been from the 80s, and had looked like the one from Scooby Doo, minus the colors. It was brown.

William in the front seat, on the left, next to Lewis. Willow behind him, and Maggie next to her with Michael in the middle seat. And in the row behind them, Henry, Emilie and Charlie. On top of that, there was ANOTHER row behind that + the trunk.

The stereotypical UK weather had been in the skies.
Willow had her window rolled down and she slightly stuck her head outside of it, feeling the drizzle and breeze.

"Wow. The air feels much cleaner here." She smiled.

"It really is a shame about your father." Lewis shook his head. "So sad. He could have came."

William felt shivers down his spine at the thought of him.

"You know, once you reached the age of about 7, he stopped calling. Last time he called before that, he sounded mad. Or weird. I don't know. The last time I talked to him after that was a few months ago actually. Sounded joyful." Lewis tapped his fingers against the wheel.

He called him when he left prison? What had he said?

"Anyway, enough about him." Lewis waved his finger. "He used to hit me as kids anyway. Tell me how your life has been."

Seems like he already had a long line of issues as kids.

William sighed and looked out the window. "I don't even know where to start."

"Start from that business back then. The one you and your friend back there started." Lewis smiled.

"Well, it started off great. Then we had to shut it down due to.. circumstances. But then we made a deal with somebody and signed a contract and started Fazbear Entertainment, which included more characters than the original two. After that we opened two more restaurants." William gladly explained.

"And what now that you two are no longer there?" Lewis asked.

"Oh.. we sold them. Both restaurants." Henry replied.

"Oh man." Lewis shook his head. "But I mean, are you two planning on opening something here?"

William shrugged his shoulders.

"Are we there yet?" Charlie whined.

Lewis chuckled and adjusted his rear view mirror to look at her. "We're about a minute away young one."

"Great." William sat straight. "We've been driving for an hour."

"Yes, well.." Lewis rolled down his window. "We may have sold the farm but, we still live on a big piece of land out farther away from town. We have space for a farm, but, it's just too much work. We have a garden."

"We?" William looked at him.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you." Lewis scratched his head. "I have a partner for 19 years now, and I have a 16 year old daughter. We also have a dog. A german shepherd! His name is Rocko."

"I love dogs." Maggie smiled.

"Haha, oh really? Then you'll love him. He's super friendly." Lewis said, amused.

"We must be such a burden then. Do you even have space for all of us?" William rubbed his eyes.

"Nothing to worry about. We have a fully renovated basement you all can stay in until you get yourself settled somewhere. It has only 2 rooms and one bathroom.. but hopefully that'll be okay." Lewis waved his hand.

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