thirty five

451 16 59

cw: william's horny ass who can't take shit seriously

"Watch the-" Willow grabbed Williams chest and pushed him back. "Watch the camera!" She pointed up at the blinking camera.

"Well then how are we going to get inside?" He looked at her. "Let's just go inside, and if the security guard says anything just tell her to call Henry if there's a problem."

"But then Henry will ask why we're here at 2 in the morning." Willow dropped her hand from his chest. "Use your fucking head if you know how."

William rolled his eyes and looked at her. "Do you have a better idea then? She's gonna see us anyway when we go up to the stage."

"Why don't we cut off the power first? That should shut off the cameras." She suggested.

"But then she's gonna come out with a flashlight saying 'Hello? Whose there?' like a dumbass." William crossed his arms.

"What the hell do you want to do then?" Willow whisper shouted.

"Okay, we can break in through the back door, THEN we cut off the electricity. When she comes out, we knock her out and lock her in a room. We then take the body out of Chica, delete all footage from prior to knocking her out, and just leave her in there until someone finds her in the morning." William explained with hand motions.

Willow looked at him with disbelief, like he was a huge idiot. "What, do you think you're a villain or something? I need to throw out that damn TV you watch it too much. It's messing with you and now you think you need some villain ass entrance just for that. Just cut off the power damn it, and we hide from her when she comes searching."

William rolled his eyes and began walking to the side of the building. "I would have felt much more confident and accomplished with my plan."

"And you would've made a fool out of yourself." She scoffed, holding the flashlight in her hand. "A clown. Why don't you paint your face white and give yourself a red nose while you're at it."

William turned around to the back of the building. "Wow. You're very mean today."

She sighed. "I'm sorry. I would just like to get this over with."

William stepped in front of the electrical box and took the keys out of his pocket. "Isn't there a camera somewhere back here too?"

"I don't know? You built the place." She shrugged her shoulders.

"No, I didn't. Henry did. Well, he didn't build it but he knew how everything was going to go. I only built Fredbears, like literally. There was nobody who would build it for us." He unlocked the box.

"I can't imagine you building literal buildings." She smiled wryly. "I can imagine all the plumbing and electricity problems."

"You don't have to imagine. It was horrible, I didn't know how to do shit." He popped the box open.

William reached for a wire when Willow slapped his hands away. She grabbed 5 wires herself and yanked them out of the box.

"The fuck! Do you want to get electrocuted?" William gasped.

"You put your cigarettes out on your body. I don't wanna hear it." She shook her hand off and slammed the box shut. She began walking back around the building.

William stood there, baffled, before catching up with her.

By the time he already walked all the way around the building, Willow was already standing there with the door open. She seemed a little uncomfortable, looking inside.

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