twenty five

610 23 78

i think i'm gonna start writing in omniscient pov more it's easier to make it more detailed

cw: talk about gore, self harm (??)

Omniscient POV

It was around 3 AM, and Willow had been sitting up in their bed, watching William as he stared at the window and looked into the darkness.

Willow had no idea what he was thinking of. She didn't know why he wasn't in bed, why he was staring into basically nothing.

"Willow." He said blankly.

"Hm?" She answered.

"Have you ever thought something weird about me?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" She looked at him confused.

"Do you ever just, want to do something insane to me? Like take your anger out on me, punch me in the face, cut my dick off or something, strangle me, or rip my guts out?" He rested his arm on the windowsill.

Willow stared at him like they were in middle school and he'd just confessed that he threw shit at someone's face. She didn't understand where this was coming from.

"Maybe I'd just want to punch you in the face sometimes. Nothing too extreme unless it's intrusive thoughts." She slowly responded. "Why do you ask?"

William stared blankly into the window before he began to giggle softly. He rested his chin into his palm, smiling.

"I just have these silly little thoughts sometimes." He said in a suspicious tone. "So silly."

Some nights, even if it wasn't by the windowsill, William would lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, biting his nails and holding in small laughs as he thought some strange things.. about the woman lying next to him.

He wondered if she would be down to do anything, he would want to do.

"We're adults, right? We can have these little adult talks sometimes, like adults." He said.

Willow was just wondering what the hell he was on about. With William, it's always unexpected what he would say or do next.

"What are you talking about?" She sighed.

"It's a shame you don't think of hurting me. Really a shame." He looked at her.

The way he looked at her so mischievously, like there clearly wasn't something sane on his mind, and the next words that would come out of his mouth would be something Willow never heard before, and something she never even thought she'd hear.

"It's very unlikely of me to admit something so weird, I usually just think it, and keep it to myself. But I don't think this is something I really want to keep to myself." He playfully sighed.

Willow had two ideas in her head for what he was going to say next. And both were extremely out of pocket, but only one would make her fear him.

"I just want you to hurt me, so bad. I just want you to act like there's nothing more you want in this world than to try and kill me. To hurt me in the worst ways possible. And I'd let you do it all. I'd let you try anything in attempt to torture me." He looked back into the window.

Willow couldn't believe what she was hearing. Was she dreaming? If it was a dream, she wanted so badly to wake up. She wanted to pretend this conversation never happened.

"I'm aware that it would be excruciatingly horrible to feel such things physically, but I can't help it. I want it so bad. I'd let you cut open my stomach and pull out my intestines, playing with them right before my eyes. But it's sad to me, because I'll never experience that without dying." He spoke with frustration.

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