thirty two

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i actually have a feeling you guys are gonna like the next book, like i haven't started writing it yet but i'm having so much fun planning it

cw: suicide mention

William sat in front of the television criss cross on his sofa in pajamas. The time was 2:34 AM, and everyone was asleep.

"Officers say, they will begin to get more serious about this situation. Please, keep your family and loved ones inside. He is among us, and is a danger to our society." The news woman looked down at her papers. "We will find him, and Hurricane will be a safe town again."

The news channel took a break, and started playing commercials. A commercial for a bleach product started playing as they demonstrated how to properly clean your bathroom tiles with it.

William continued to stare at the TV, with a cup of tea in his hand.

This town was not going to be safe for as long as he was here, and he was going to make damn sure it wasn't.

He brought the cup up to his mouth and took a sip as a smile tugged at his lips.

"If the population here is about five thousand.." He muttered, doing math in his head. "There shouldn't be too many children."

William placed the warm mug in his lap. He smiled softly as he stared at the lemon floating at the top of this cup.

"Wow, people are mean. A danger to society? I have feelings too." He just continued to smile. "It's like they want me to be a danger. Might as well be."

He softly placed his finger on top of the lemon and spun it around slowly in his tea. He thought about the fact that he would be a well known serial killer in the future, and once he's dead or never found, people would tell his story and everyone would talk about how heartless he was. It made him happy knowing he would at least be getting attention like he always wanted.

Though he wishes he wasn't like this, he realizes that in the end humans are really just animals. And animals are gonna do whatever the hell they please.

He knew the moment he was back in the UK, he really couldn't do anything anymore if he wanted to live a normal life. So why not make things worse before they get better?

Maggie began walking down the stairs for her usual cup of water in the middle of the night. William looked back into the kitchen and glanced at her, before looking back at the TV.

She stopped in her tracks to look at William. "What are you doing up?"

He brought the cup to his mouth and took another sip. "Can't sleep."

Maggie opened the fridge and pulled out the water purifier as she poured the cold water into her cup.

William stared at the TV as a commercial for a toy truck played. The holidays were coming again, like every year. It was finally cold outside, and William
could relax before a heat wave came in again next summer.

The only thing that used to bug him about the holidays was that parents would keep their children inside, and business would be slow. They struggle every holiday.

Maggie came into the living room with her water and sat down next to William.

"Michael wanted to sleep in my room, so I said okay. Now I can't sleep because he actually snores so loud." Maggie drank her water.

William smiled and laid back on the couch.

They sat in silence as they stared at the TV. The low hum and buzz of it filled the silence, along with the obnoxious commercials.

Stay Quiet || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now