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In 1994, Emilie Emily was pregnant with a little boy named Sammy. She would give birth in 1995.

In 1997, Willow Lister and William Afton got married. Willow Lister then became Willow Afton.

Many people had thought they were siblings, thinking of their similar names. But how? Willow had been a woman with olive skin, curly hair, and William had been a man with pale skin, and straight hair.

The following year, in 1998, William, Willow and Henry had opened a new restaurant that they had been planning since 1995. It took extremely long because the new robots had been more complicated, and it was tough to even get their project accepted.

The new robots consist of human-like versions of the original four in Freddy Fazbears Pizza. Except they were teenagers. It also included a puppet that was white and black. They called it The Marionette.

And it was a way bigger success than anything they ever had back in Utah.

In 1999, Willow became pregnant again with a baby girl. That same year the girl was born, and they named her Elizabeth Afton. She had beautiful, blonde like hair that followed from Willow's fathers genes.

Obviously the color of her hair caused a bit of confusion between Willow and William, but it all turned out okay in the end. Michael had been 11 years old when she was born.

On the topic of Michael, he had soon became a very serious problem in their family.

When Elizabeth had been born, they had completely stopped paying attention to Michael.

Now Michael on his own, before the birth of his sister, was already a very problematic child. And it was nothing like William ever was. William never had problems until juvie.

Michael was often beating on other children, screaming at his parents, and had even began harming small animals.

And you know William and how he feels about animals. It's a very sensitive topic.

So when William found out about all the small animal corpses in Michael's closet, you better believe Michael received a beating of a lifetime.

William had sworn to himself that he'd never lay a hand on his own children, but nothing could describe the rage he felt that day when he spent Michaels whole life trying to raise him in a way that wouldn't let him end up like him or his father.

This not only surprised Willow, but this surprised Henry as well.

This was at age 10.

A few months after Elizabeth was born, Michael had attempted to take her life.

He was upset about all the attention she was receiving, he believed his parents never loved him that way.

And maybe Willow didn't. Maybe she didn't because of what she was going through at the time. But that gives Michael no right.

As you may assume, William beat him, again. He then left and didn't return for the next 3 days to keep himself from killing Michael.

And everyone, again, was on William's side. But who wouldn't be? What kind of child does this?

When William returned, his relationship with Michael was never the same again. In fact, he didn't acknowledge his existence for a very long time.

After this, Michael started spending a lot of time away from home. Nobody knew what he was doing, and nobody cared.

On the other hand, behind closed doors, Maggie and Leslie fell in love. They began dating when Maggie was 21 and Leslie was 19. Eventually, they got married when it was legalized.

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