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i actually got so attached to this story and i did not want it to end. i have been working on these two crazies for over a year now.

i really hope you guys enjoyed this as much as i did, because starting not guilty i did not expect to even get past chapter 5. but people began reading it so i was like oh god now i really gotta finish this shit lol and i got determined.

i love everyone who has been here since the beginning and i love everyone who just started reading this, i hope they even make it to this note lol

93 chapters later, and it's finally over. thank you so much.

i will be writing bonus chapters of just random things lol because i am not ready to let this go

if you have any ideas for chapters you would want to see, let me know here and i will write them. IT IS NOT OVER UNTIL IT IS!!!!

but until then, i now have a new william afton fic out and it is called locked in. i really hope you guys will go ahead and read it, but if not then just know i am really grateful for you and i would not have done this without you.

thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!bye by!!!!!!!😭😭😭😭😁😁😁

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