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wtf do you guys do when you're bored or something idk i'm so bored all the time i need hobbies 😭

William's POV

I sat silently with Henry in his office, wearing the Circus Baby's uniform.

It was a little awkward sitting here with him, but things got better.

"You never did tell me what happened. Oh jeez, I was speaking so much I forgot to let you speak." Henry nervously rubbed his neck.

"Oh, it's all alright. I think I would like to tell the both of you what happened at the same time." I looked at him.

"That reminds me, maybe I should bring Willow in here." Henry reached for the telephone.

"Um, before you do. You should know that I had an encounter last night with her, and it didn't end very well." I sat forward.

"What do you mean?" Henry asked.

"She uh, slapped me, proceeded to tell me I wasn't real, and told me I was "bigger than William" so." I pointed at the scar on my cheek from her nail.

Henry sighed. "I'm so sorry about her. She's just not herself anymore. I've had lots of phone calls from Maggie."


"Speaking of her, how's she doing?" I asked.

"She, could be better. Still with that other one Jazmin though, love those two." Henry smiled.

I never did get to meet Jazmin, or at least I don't remember meeting her. I was looking forward to though.

Henry called Willow through the phone. She was in her office, he just didn't feel like leaving.

"Shes coming." Henry sat down. "Sorry for making you wear the regular uniform, I think you'd be pretty noticeable in your regular suit and tie."

I did tell Henry that I was running from police, and he couldn't tell anybody about me.

"It's fine. I do get to be in my office though, right?" I looked at him.

"As long as nobody sees you going in there." Henry smiled.

"I do have to thank you, Henry, for cooperating with me on this. I know it puts you in danger too." I leaned back.

"It's nothing. I uh, used to tell myself anyway that I would do anything. So." Henry nervously chuckled.

"Henry?" Willow knocked on the door.

"Come on in Willow." Henry called.

The door knob twisted and opened, revealing Willow in her blue blazer, a normal white button up underneath. Like always, her hair had been her regular natural curls.

When she opened the door she seemed fine, but when she saw me she got upset. Or a little scared.

"Henry.." Willow stared at me.

"Just come inside." Henry motioned his hand.

She looked at me as she shut the door, walking over to Henry's side.

"So, the new employee I was talking about." He cleared his throat. "Isn't new."

"Seems pretty new to me. Maybe you should have turned the interview over to me, I don't like this guy." Willow scoffed.

But she was off. Her eyes.. they seemed way off. Different. Maybe lifeless wouldn't be the term, but something else. I just need her to talk to me, in a serious manner. To cut the bullshit of me not being me.

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