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cw: child murder, blood, suicide mention🤷🏻‍♀️

Willow's POV

"Willow! Are you ready?" William came into the bathroom, fiddling with the chip in his pocket.

I stood there, struggling to pin the bandage around my waist together.

He looked up at me. "You've still got to do that?"

I grunted. "It's only been 2 days."

"Should you be going to work then?" He looked at my waist through the mirror.

"I'll be fine." I tried to pin it together.

William snatched the pin from my hands and turned me over, grabbing the two ends of the bandage. He bit the pin while making the bandage tighter, holding the two ends with one hand and the pin with the over.

I looked at his face, which looked focused on my waist.

He looked up at me from the bandage, grabbing a hair tie. "I like to stare too sometimes." He tied his hair, allowing his side bangs to fall neatly on the sides of his face. "It's alright dear." He walked out.

I watched him as he left, pulling down my shirt. I don't know why it's so hard for me to resume where we last left off 5 years ago.


"This is brilliant William!" Henry stood from his seat, taking the chip from William's hand. He stood there with pride.

"I'm too intelligent Henry," William sat down in front of him. "You know this."

"Are you sure it fully works?" He looked up at him from the chip.

"Positive. Walked right in here without anybody batting an eye." William took a free mint from a bowl on Henry's desk.

"It'll be like nothing happened. Like we haven't seen you." Henry held up the chip to the light. "Wow, you can even see the way it works."

"It would probably be illegal to own it too." William chewed on the mint.

Henry handed it back to him, sitting in his seat. "Well, are you ready then?"

William stood up, mint in his mouth. "Ready as ever."

I followed him out the doorway and down the hallway.


William's POV

All was well. I didn't think right. I didn't think about the child I had back home.

I should have brought Henry or Willow to stand at the front desk with me. To keep me from giving in.

I was standing here, grabbing menu's for people, leading them to their tables. I'm not a waiter, but I do it anyway.

I should have been more smart about this. It's not that I feel too bad, but I didn't even think about how I protect my child just to go and hurt another one. The promise I made to my mother as well, is broken. It's just, been so long since I had the grasp, of a defenseless child, and each night it was driving me insane. The thought of it.

I had went for a bathroom break. I had to piss so bad I thought I was really gonna die. I fixed myself up, washed my hands, whatever. And then I left. I was going to the front desk again.

But I couldn't help but notice that the Parts and Service door, was cracked open a bit. Only Willow, Henry and I are allowed in there. And we were all doing something. Willow had been with Funtime Foxy, and Henry left early today. He had to go to Freddy's because Bonnie was malfunctioning. It did make me a bit nervous knowing he would be fixing him, knowing there's a corpse in there.

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