
912 38 68

tw: death mention, alcohol consumption

Henry's POV

We haven't had a missing case since 1987.

I look at the lawsuit on my desk for a girl named Elizabeth Walker.

She was last seen with Circus Baby. Nobody saw what happened, apparently she was the only one in the room.

At least Freddy's is still open. We would've thought it would have closed later, but it's still pretty good in business.

I sighed and rubbed my temples. We constantly have to look for new guard at both Freddy's and Circus Baby's. They're always disappearing on us after a week. I think our longest was Dylan, yet he was found dead the next morning.

I don't know how much longer I can take.

On top of it all, there's been someone breaking in for the past 2 days. I don't have the strength to catch them, so I just let them do it. Maybe they need a place to stay anyway.

I have a job interview for someone at 10:30 today, called in yesterday and said they go by the name Dave Miller.

I was going to hand the interview over to Willow, but I haven't done any myself in a while. And the last time she hired someone, she didn't run a background check. You already know how that turned out.

Guy was speaking pretty quiet over the phone with the worst American accent I've ever heard. Can't wait to get the interview over with.

Maggie's POV

"Did you hear that?" Jazmin asked.

"Hear what?" I asked.

"Pause the movie." Jazmin pointed at the TV.

I reached for the remote on the night stand and pressed pause on the movie.

"Is Willow home?" Jazmin furrowed her eyebrows.

I looked at the watch on my wrist. "She shouldn't be for at least another 40 minutes. Why?"

"I don't know. I thought I heard something downstairs." She looked off to the side.

I stood up from the bed and put my slippers on, leaving Jazmin in the room as I went down the stairs.

I flipped the lights on to the staircase and looked down, trying to see down into the kitchen.

But there was nothing but the eerie flickering of the lights that haven't been fixed since 1987.

I groaned in frustration in not being able to see much through the annoying lights, and began marching down the stairs.

I heard Jazmin come out of the room and stand at the top of the stairs. "Anything down there?"

I stood in the kitchen and squinted my eyes at the front door. There was some type of movement behind the glass. I motioned my hand towards Jazmin, telling her to head back into the room.

I heard her quickly get back into the room.

I turned the lights off from the kitchen, standing quietly in the dark home, waiting to see what would happen to the door. I know I should grab a knife or something, but part of me thinks whatever is behind that door isn't hostile.

Soon enough, the front door swung open. I lightly gasped at the sudden sound, but the person in front of that door flipped the lights on immediately.

For fucks sake, it was Willow.

She was murmuring something to herself while she held a bottle of vodka in her hand, keys in the other. Her body swayed weirdly, and her eyes looked puffy.

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