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William's POV

I coughed into my arm and set the bag on the concrete, jingling my keys and unlocking the door. I put the keys in my pocket and turned around, grabbing the grocery bags and the food bag.

I moved my hair out of my face and turned back to the doorway, stopping in my tracks. My mouth slightly ajar, my eyes relaxed and my arm cramping from the amount of grocery bags I had in one hand.

I stared at them, Maggie and Jazmin, as they stared back at me. I think that's Jazmin, at least. I've never seen her before.

So I stood there at the doorway, having a staring contest with the two of them who was on the couch, as Maggie was on top of her and Jazmin was under with her shirt off.

I started laughing and shook my head, closing the door behind me with my foot. "I uh, I have your burgers guys. You know, the one you called me for while I was still at work."

I turned off the chip while I was in the car, so Jazmin sees me as, myself. So when Jazmin saw me, she was more worried about the fact that I'm a criminal and not that I had just walked in on, that.

Maggie quickly got off of her and joyfully walked into the kitchen like nothing happened. Jazmin quickly put her shirt on.

"Is there bacon on mine like I asked?" She rummaged through the fast food bag.

"Yeah. Did Jazmin really want a pulled pork burger? Disgusting." I grimaced.

"William, you think all meat is gross." She took her burger out of the bag.

"Yeah, well, even when I did eat meat pulled pork was gut wrenching. Pulled pork makes me angry." I unpacked the grocery bags.

"Jazmin, come get your food." Maggie kept looking through the bags. "Hey, where's my fries?"

"I ate them all. Sorry." I removed the milk from the bag.

She looked at me upset.

"Relax, stop looking at me like you're ready to call me a fatass. It's in the other bag." I chuckled.

I crumpled the bag after I finished unpacking it, tossing it to the side. I placed my hands on top of the island and looked into the living room at Jazmin.

"Oi, you're staring at me like I'm a murderer or something." I sarcastically said. "I've never met you before, so are you gonna sit there and stare at me or are you gonna come here and thank me for buying you food even if I don't know you?"

Maggie laughed next to me with food in her mouth, muffling the laugh.

"You.. You're literally.." She looked at me, then at Maggie.

She looked at Maggie like she's crazy for not seeing the issue.

I groaned and rolled my eyes, grabbing the girls burger and fries. I walked over to her and held out her food.

"Incase you're an idiot, I'll introduce myself first. Hi, I'm William Afton, I'm all over the news for being an escapee, and you're now an accomplice." I spoke to her like a baby. "And I bought the couch you were about to get fucked on."

Maggie began coughing on her food in the kitchen. "Damn."

She continued staring at me with fear and confusion in her eyes.

"Boo." I shook her food in her face.

She flinched and I began laughing. "Jesus, take the food." I dropped it in her lap.

I walked back into the kitchen to put away the food.

"Jazmin, come here. Don't eat on the couch he's gonna massacre you if you get food on it." Maggie pointed at her.

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