twenty eight

615 24 76

Omniscient POV

cw: blood, abuse, animal abuse

Hurricane, Utah, 1974.

"Mother?" William slowly walked towards his mother on the couch.

"Oh please William, don't look. You mustn't see me like this." She wiped her face with a bloody napkin.

The dim light shone on her pale face as the color stood out.

William stood there, pressure in his legs. He looked behind him, realizing his father isn't around. He can only wonder where the Devil went. Where he's fled after getting his daily hit on an innocent soul.

There was only so much a 13 year old boy can do after seeing his mother in pain. There was nothing he could do but sit there and comfort her.

He slowly sat down next to her, placing his hand on her shoulder and looked down at the dark floor.

His mother slowly raised her head and looked at her poor son with sorrow in her gray, dull eyes. Something that ran in the family.

"My boy.." She placed her shaky, bloody hand on his cheek. "I will get us out of here. One day, when he is not looking. Promise me you will stick around long enough to see better days with me."

He looked into her eyes, feeling helpless. He hated himself for being young and weak, unable to help.

"I promise." He lightly nodded his head.

"You do not deserve this. You will grow into a better man than he ever was, that bastard. You will never be hurt again." She held his face.

"What about you?" He quietly spoke.

"What about me? Oh, I will be around. I will stick with you. I will be here until you grow old, I will be here until you have a beautiful wife and beautiful children, I will be here, whether it's physically or mentally." Her lip quivered.

There was a part of him, this sad 13 year old boy, that wasn't sure if he would even make it until then. How unfortunate, being 13 and seeing no future for yourself.

"Do you hear the sound of the rain? Open the windows my dear." She let go of his face.

He slowly stood and opened the curtain slightly, cracking the window open and letting the curtain fall back.

"Would you mind checking on Mandy for me? If you can, bring her here." She politely asked.

"Of course Mum." He said sadly.

He silently walked down the dark hallway as the windows beside him had racing raindrops. He stopped to look at them for a moment, making out nothing but water and fog out the window.

He hated his house. The ceilings, the walls, the floors.. all so dark like it was a vampires home. Not a single white wall. He always wondered why his mother liked it like this. It was depressing.

He approached the closet at the end of the hall which was always open with a dim light above it. Inside was Mandy's bed and litter box. She would always come out whenever comfortable. But she was quiet today.

She was never aggressive, nor was she too kind. She was perfect. She would lay with you on the bed, and you could hug her if you were sad, but she would never let you touch her for more than an hour.

William wiped his nose and sighed. "Mandy?" He looked inside the closet.

He immediately gasped and covered his mouth, staring down into her bed with horror.

Stay Quiet || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now