twenty seven

752 22 106

cw: knifeplay, nsfw 🤭🤭🤭

you guys are gonna sleep very well after this one

Omniscient POV

William opened a can of Coca Cola on the couch, watching TV in the dark.

"What the hell is the matter with you? What happened!" Willow bursted through the front door, startling William and spilling some Coke on his shirt.

"Fuck." William set the can down, reaching for the ends of his shirt.

"I had to tell Henry that you probably threw up blood again and went home! What happened William, I'm asking you a god damn question!" Willow slammed the door.

"Could you please lower your voice love? Michael is asleep." William pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the side, sitting on the couch in his tank top.

Willow set her bag down on the floor and placed her two hands over her mouth in a prayer position, trying to keep her cool. She walked towards the couch calmly, and sat down slowly, sitting back.

"Answer me. What the hell happened." She spoke, her patience very low. "You're at the end of the rope William, you keep acting like a fucking dumbass and you're gonna get caught."

William tried to think for a moment, he really did. He actually couldn't remember anything that had happened before he began tying the kid up. But he was no longer angry, in fact, he was in a great mood.

He had no story to tell, given the fact that he couldn't even remember it. So he looked at her, eyes half-lidded, and began to lie.

"Mailman came late. I used box cutters to open the package, but accidentally cut myself instead." William paused, looking down at Willows shirt and slowly turning his gaze back to the TV. "But you can tell Henry I'm sorry for getting blood on his walls."

Willow looked all over his arms and hands to find where he might have cut himself, but she couldn't find a wound.

"Where is the wound then? The one that bled everywhere?" She asked.

William slowly reached for his Coke on the table, and took a long, yet captivating sip. "Don't worry about it. It's all fixed up."

He held the can with two hands in between his legs as he kept watching the TV.

Willow knew he had been lying. He was so bad at lying when it came to her. But with the way he looked at the moment, his lightly damp hair indicating he was fresh out the shower, his pale arms reflecting the light from the TV, his fixed gaze with his lips lightly ajar, she knew it was too hard to be mad at him when he looked so good.

She sighed and rubbed her face, throwing her head back on the couch cushion. "Fucking bastard."

He looked at her slowly, and stared softly at her face. "Why did you and Henry stay so far away from me today?" He paused. "It felt lonely."

"You looked like you might've ripped our heads off and cannibalized us if we talked to you." She took her hands off her face.

He snorted, adjusting the can in his fingers. "I could have."

"Where's Maggie?" Willow asked.

William brought the can up to his lips again. "Who knows. I told that girl if she keeps going out so late something bad might happen to her but she doesn't care."

Willow watched as he took a sip. "Since when do you care about other peoples safety?"

William slowly set the can down on the table, and sat back again. He sighed and sat a little closer to her. "Why do you take me for such a monster, dear? You know I care about her."

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