thirty three

459 17 18

^^ that's their height difference incase anyone was wondering. william is 6'2 and willow is 5'10 if u remember

"I don't know man. Last time I did this I got busted. Jail for a week until someone cared enough to bail me." The 5'4 man spoke, looking up at William.

William looked down at him and sighed. "You see that black eye you got?"

The guy touched his eye.

"You're gonna forget about the police for a moment, and you're gonna make me those damn passports or you'll have two of those." He pointed at the guys eye.

"Or I could just turn you in right now to the police? How's that fella? You better have a good price." He put his hands in his pockets.

William looked around him for a moment before rolling his eyes. "What's your price."

The man smiled. "One thousand."

"One thousand? Have you lost your damn mind?" William grit his teeth.

"I've got my daughter and my girlfriend back home sleeping safe and sound until they wake up the next morning and see there's no fucking food in the fridge man. You want 7 passports for identities that don't exist, you better expect it to be pricy." His silver tooth shined. "Weren't you like, a pretty big deal a few years ago? I'm sure you've got a couple thousand laying around."

"That's the thing. I still am a pretty big deal and I'm trying to get me and my family safely out of this damn country." William rubbed his head.

"Safely? Dawg, ain't you killed somebody? Since when you care about safety." He chuckled.

"I don't feel like explaining myself to you. How much was it, one thousand? For 7 passports? Fine. I'll have it to you by Saturday." William adjusted his hood.

"I can't even lie amigo," The guy reached up and barely managed to pat William's shoulder. "I heard about the way you and your friend escaped from that prison. One of the most secure prison's in the country too. That was admirable. All I did in prison was cry for a week."

"Good. You can show your admiration by making the passports." William fake smiled.

"Yes. After the one thousand." He smiled back.

"No, I need you to start making them and have them finished by Saturday, which is when I'll give you the thousand." William shook his head.

"How do I know you won't grab them and run? Just because I admire how you escaped doesn't mean I don't know you're capable of pulling some trick ass shit my friend." The guy pointed up at him.

"Me trusting you enough to not turn me in, me trusting you enough to even see my face." William scoffed.

"Speaking of faces, the picture you gave me looks nothing like you." He held the picture up to the moon for light. "How will you get past security?"

"Please," William began to speak with high self esteem. "I'm an engineer. I'll figure something out."

"Hm." He put the photo back in his pocket. "Okay. Fine. We have a deal."

"Great. Thank you. Same place, same time, Saturday. Don't let me down." William turned around and began walking away.


"Oh," Willow stood from the couch. "You're back." She smiled.

William took off his jacket and hung it. "It's bloody freezin' out there. One moment it's hot and then the next it's cold."

Willow came up to him and hugged him. "Did it work? Did you get them?" She looked at him.

He sighed. "I'll have them by Saturday." He hugged her back and placed one hand on the back of her head.

Stay Quiet || William AftonWhere stories live. Discover now