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cw: blood, murder

thank u 4 2k reads 😊

William's POV

I finally found my car keys. The moment when I opened my car door, this rancid smell blew out into my face immediately and I had to swallow down my vomit. I had to open all the doors to air it out. I asked myself, what the fuck smells that bad?

So I checked the back seat, and all I found was a finger. A finger. A finger that smelled like straight ass. I don't know whose finger it was, or when it ended up in there, or how, but it was a finger. I had thought that there could be an entire body in the trunk since there was a finger in here, but thankfully there wasn't. So whose finger was that? It was horribly decomposed too.

Not to mention, there was mold EVERYWHERE. On the seats, the seat buckles, the door, the floor, everywhere.

I had taken the day off to fully clean my car. It was so bad. I got to clean the exterior as well. By the time Willow came back home, I was almost done. I wasn't even done yet.

I had also been able to get a drivers license for the other identity. Life was getting better as long as I had the chip on me. I was confident that I could actually get away with this.

It was the next morning. Willow had stayed home, since in about an hour she had to take Michael to his first day anyway. She would show up later, so I would be opening today since Henry is actually supposed to be at Freddy's for the rest of the week.

My car smells like lemon citrus now and it also needs an oil change.

I walked up to the front doors, keys swinging on my finger and my other hand in the back pocket. But as I was unlocking the doors, I heard two cars pull up into the lot behind me.

I looked into the reflection of the front doors, making out what seemed to be, two police cars.

I closed my eyes and mumbled under my breath. "Shit."

I turned around and dropped my hands to my sides, staring at the two police men walk towards me.

"Good evening." One of them spoke.

"It's six in the morning." I looked at him.

"Yeah, listen." One of them stepped closer. I read his name tag, as it read 'Bryant.' Very familiar.

"This is serious. Have you heard or seen about a man that goes by William Afton around here? We're aware that he used to own this establishment." The other one spoke.

I felt my mouth get dry. "No."

Bryant looked at me oddly. "Really? He's about 6'2, chubby, he's got an accent, shoulder length hair, fucked teeth, you know. Pale."

My teeth aren't that bad. It could be worse.

"No." I repeated.

"Yeah right." He muttered under his breath. "What's your name?"

I swallowed. "Dave Miller."

"Okay Dave." He cleared his throat. "Do you mind if we take a look inside this building?"

"That's not up to me." I fixed my posture.

"I don't really care. I just want to find this guy and get it over with. Let us inside." He started getting annoyed.

"You're not very professional for a police officer." I stared up at him.

He had to be at least 6'6 or something. It was a bit intimidating down here.

"You gonna let us in or what?" He lowered his voice. "If you don't, I'm gonna start assuming you're hiding something."

I stared up at him, my nostrils flared. I would say that I could just take the both of them out right now, but they definitely look 4x stronger than me. I'd be knocked out cold in less than a second.

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