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i promise i'll make it in willows pov soon😭 unless u guys like it in williams pov

William's POV

It had never occurred to me that I never told Willow about the night that I saw my mother.

That's because she'd think I'm crazy. Not that she doesn't already think I am, but I don't even know if what I saw that night was even true myself.

But I have the locket. The locket is physically with me. How can I receive a physical item from a ghost? It still baffles me to this day.

It's four am right now. I'm sitting on the staircase in the backyard, under a small roof that was over the door. It was raining, very hard. I thought the door would fly off due to the wind.

I've smoked about five cigarettes in under 45 minutes.

The backyard isn't anything exciting. It's just grass and a few chairs that sit in the same spot as they did 8 years ago when I first bought this house, and a few friends that I still had from college came to check it out. Henry is the only friend that still stuck around. I didn't really care much about them anyway, most of them were rich assholes that got into that college with money, and I got in there with pity and brains. Though with this wind, I'm sure those chairs are about to fly off.

But this heat is truly not for me. How is it 88 degrees at four am? Yet it's raining badly, and the breeze is cool. When the breeze stops, I think I might suffocate.

Everyone is asleep right now except me. I can't sleep. Tonight isn't my night for someone with paranoia. I don't want to wake up Willow, because I don't need to bother her with my issues. I feel a little more relaxed out here.

I wonder if Henry helped out the little girl from a few days ago. I never did ask him. Was the girl even real? She really did seem too much like Cassidy. I never even heard her walk away.

At a point I contemplated if Michael was actually my son, and Willow was just lying to me. But I had to tell myself that he literally looks like me.

"William?" The door opened.

I looked behind me to see Willow standing in the doorway, her curly hair frizzy, with her usual tank top and shorts as sleepwear. She shut the door and sat next to me.

"I woke up for water and realized you weren't there. Sorry, it just scared me. I thought they might've somehow already found you, haha." She pushed her hair back. "What are you doing out here?"

I put out my sixth cigarette of the night into the ashtray. "I couldn't sleep. I didn't wanna wake you."

"It would've been fine if you did." She looked in the ashtray. "Six? Jeez. Must've been a rough night then."

"Yeah." I chuckled. "The dark is deceiving me tonight."

"You never get water at night." I looked at her. "Why are you really awake?"

She sighed. "I couldn't really sleep either. I saw you leave the room, but I didn't wanna bother. I guess I'm here now."

"And what was your reason?" I asked.

"The rain is too loud. I'm not complaining though." She rested her chin in her palm.

I smiled. She couldn't see my face, she was faced towards the yard but, I still smiled. She just makes me smile, even if she doesn't have any intentions to.

But she finally looked at me and smiled too. "I really, really do like your hair."

"Ah." I sarcastically flipped my hair. "Do you think so?"

She giggled. "Please keep it that way."

"Just for you." I stared at her for a moment, before looking down at the ashtray and dumping it in the grass.

She kept looking at me with a smile, a smile that I love so dearly. Her smile is so beautiful.

I looked up into the yard, and squinted my eyes, looking far into it. I left my glasses upstairs.

I smiled mischievously and stood up, walking out into the rain.

"What are you doing?" She watched me.

"You'd have to come out here too to see. Or else I won't tell you." The rain dripped from my hair to my lips.

"Unless you've got towels ready." She stood, not moving.

"Come on, you could take a shower or something after." I motioned my hand.

She shook her head, stepping out into the rain.

"I was just kidding. I would've told you anyway. But now you could follow me." I motioned my hand.

"Are you serious?" She chuckled. "Jesus."

We walked over far into the very back where the fence was, and a few plants were growing. The rain was cold, but the air was warm, and the wind was blowing harshly.

"Okay." I stepped through a few random plants. "Remember the time you came into my office, and you caught me listening to music? And then you asked me where I got weed from?"

"You still remember that?" She looked at me, smiling.

"I always will. But I never did tell you where I got it from." I pushed my hair back.

I bent down into the plants, pushing a few leaves over. "I planted this, seven years ago. And it's so hot here, I didn't even think it would last a week, but it lasted way longer than it should've." I lightly laughed. "Don't show this to Michael."

Willow covered her mouth. "I have literally, never noticed that was there."

"Don't ask me how I got it planted in the first place." I let go of the leaves. "However, I think I still might have some rolling papers in my office." I stood up and faced her. 

"Well then. I guess we might just have to stay a little late at the restaurant one night." She suggested.

"I'm thinking Friday." I placed my hand behind my back.

"What's today?" She asked.


"Perfect." She looked down at her clothes. "I think I might need a change of clothes now."

I laughed quietly. "Go on then."

She smiled and walked away and back to the door, and I followed behind her. I don't have many clothes to change into, since all my old clothes are for.. slim people. I'll find something anyway.

I shut and locked the door behind us, walking back into the home.

I simply watched as she squeezed her hair into the kitchen sink, reaching for a paper towel behind her for her hands.

I'm still so in love with her.

i apologizeeeeee for the short chapter. i just wanted to give something somewhat sweet before shit goes down in the next chapter, hope you enjoyed 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

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