thirty seven - evacuation day.

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"Henry, what the fuck! No that's not the right motel! That's-" William opened the paper map. "Fucking four cities away! Where the hell are you!"

Four suitcases by the door. One for each person, excluding the one in the basement.

Maggie and Michael sat on the couch. Maggie had looked really upset, and Michael was minding his business and watching something on the TV. Willow came and sat next to them.

"And what's your issue?" She tapped Maggie on the shoulder.

"Jazmin broke up with me." She responded, blankly.

Willow sat there in silence for a moment, a little wide eyed.

"Oh." She muttered.

"Said she wasn't going to move across the world with me just to help some murderer get away, which I understand but, we could've still called each other. Wrote to each other. Visited sometimes." Maggie stared at the wall. "Five years wasted."

"Well, maybe-" Willow got interrupted.

"No, no! Turn back- turn back around! Get back into the car and turn back around! What the hell! How'd you drive to a motel three hours away! No, let me tell you the right one!" William shouted into the phone.

Both Willow and Maggie side eyed William as he struggled with the paper map in his hands.

"Listen. You gotta understand, long distance is hard. It just wouldn't be the same anymore. You two would get bored and miss each other too much and then eventually fall out of love. Things like these happen, it's okay." She put her hand on Maggie's shoulder.

"You and William were away from each other for five years, and still came back in love with each other. Do you realize how long five years is? Like, think about when you were 10 years old and how long it took to be 15." Maggie explained. "I just don't understand."

"Well, when people are really destined to be with each other then it's just impossible to fall out of love." Willow said with remark. "Maybe that just wasn't you and Jazmin."

Maggie sighed. "I guess I should probably listen to the one that's over a decade older than me, right. Thanks Willow."

"Are you even listening? Henry, okay." William tried to calm down. "Just hang up the phone, get into your car, and just fucking drive the way I told you." William angrily tried to hold up the map. "Yes! Yes that way! My god it took you so long to understand."

Willow smiled and let go of her shoulder. She looked at the TV to what Michael was watching.

William slammed the land line and rushed into the living room.

The three on the couch stopped and looked at him who was frustrated.

"Henry drove three fucking hours away to some motel fucking called Laura's Big Champagne Motel Dine-In. What the fuck even is that! How do you mix that up with the most simple motel name 30 minutes away!" William rubbed his forehead.

"We know." Willow smirked.

"And how do you know?" He huffed.

"We heard you."

He rested his shoulders and looked around, sighing. "Are we all ready to go?"

"Are we leaving right now?" Maggie asked.

"I mean, no. We still have about 1 or 2 hours." He squeezed himself between the couch armrest and Willow.


William held the door open and rushed them out the door.

"Everyone's chips are on right? Including Michaels?" William shouted to Willow, who was starting the car.

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