Chapter 1

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Tell 'em this boy wasn't made for lovin'.

-The Weeknd, Real Life





Carmen's Pov.

"Julie, wake up." I practically shouted. "Where are my car keys? I'm going to be late for class."

She mumbled incoherent words and I groaned. If I didn't love my best friend so much I'd smother her. Then again, I'd probably smother her either way.

Today was my first day of college and I absolutely did not want to be late. I woke up early and made myself look presentable. I was all ready to head out the front door of my apartment when I couldn't find my car keys. Julie had them last when she borrowed my car to pick up the Chinese food we ordered last night.

"What?" I asked, growing more annoyed by the second. Julie had nothing to worry about considering the fact that she only had afternoon classes unlike me.

"On the dresser...somewhere." She mumbled.

I hurried over to her dresser and movers papers around until I found my keys under her notepad.

"I'm gone." I told her. "I'll see you later. Love ya."

I walked out of her bedroom and closed the door behind me. I grabbed my coffee off the table and walked out of my apartment. When I finally got to my car, I wasted no time starting it up and cruising down the road.

In only a few minutes, I was parking my car and hurrying to my first class: Creative Writing. I sat down in the one of the only seats available and pulled out my composition book while the professor walked in.

"Good Morning, everyone." She gave the class a bright, beautiful smile and walked closer to us. Her accented voice filled the room. "My name is Professor Cox and this school year is going to pass bye in a snap."

I smiled at her positive energy. Professor Cox radiated the whole room with her beautiful smile and dancing green eyes. Her beautiful hair was up in an elegant bun. She wore dress pants and a form fitting white top.

"For your first grade, I want you to write about what the future means to you." Professor Cox walked around the room, addressed the class.

I clicked my pen and opened my composition book, titling the first page Future.

The future is the most unexpected force that is present. The future means, to me, fear. Fear of the unknown; fear of what will happen next. One minute you are perfectly fine, the might not be.

The future is the scariest thing. Not knowing what will happen next makes you unprepared. The future has the power to deprive you of your sanity. It can make you pull at your hair, make you smile or laugh or cry, it can make you question everything that happens.

Today is my test, tomorrow is my grade, and so on.

I let out a sigh and continued writing. Professor Cox was addressing one of the other students in a soothing voice and inlet myself relax in my seat. This right here, is the college life; this is the college experience for me.


I was exhausted by the end of the day. My feet were soar from walking from class to class but it was worth it. Unlike most people, I enjoyed learning. It made me feel fulfilled learning new things and experiencing self-experiences. I walked to back to my Creative Writing class to grab my composition book with my graded paper. Professor Cox commented on how she liked my comparison and I smiled, feeling triumphant.

I made my way to my car, already thinking about tomorrow, when I heard grunts of pain. I stopped in my tracks and looked around to see a group of men facing a single guy. I watched as the man with brown, curly hair punch the other in the face. The abused fell to the ground while the abuser shouted something I could comprehend before kicking him in the stomach. Hard.

I flinched, feeling the man's pain, and worry and fear wrapped around each other in my chest. I hurried to the group without much thought at all. I don't know why I did this. I've never done anything like this before. When someone was getting into it with another person, I always stayed away. Staying away was the rational thing to do, yet I was rushing right over to the chaos.

"Stop." I shouted but it had no effect. The man on the floor received another blow to the face this time. Blood sprayed from his nose and horror caused me to recoil. The man on the ground moved his body until his brown eyes met mine. The pain and anger in his gaze was obvious, but, strangely, it shifted to fear and confusion.

"Stop, leave him alone!" I shouted louder this time and all their heads snapped in my direction.

I hurried to the fallen, helpless man and shook his shoulders. I helped him stand up and he bolted from the scene. I hurried after him but an arm wrapped around my waist slinging me back to where I was.

I pulled away quickly and stumbled back. I looked up to see a pair of cold, angry green eyes. My stomach dropped as I stared at him. He was unbelievably attractive with his strong jaw line, plump lips, and messy hair. His black shirt was tight over his chest and shoulder, and tattoos ran along his forearms and peeked out of the collar of his shirt.

"Who the fuck are you, princess?" His voice was absolutely cold and frightening. His British accent was thick and deep, making a shiver roll down my spine.

"That's none of your business." I snapped back and it was like all the men around the one that addressed me took in a sharp breath.

The green-eyed man before me gave me a mean smirk and looked me over. He took in my white dress and matching flats. His gaze lingered on my legs and chest, making me shiver once again and my heart pound in my chest.

"You have no idea what you just got yourself into, princess." His cold eyes met mine once again and I swallowed hard.

"Harry!" Someone yelled and Harry's head snapped in their direction.

I took that as my chance and hurried away from the abusive group of men. I hopped in my car, locked the doors, and made my way away from the scene.

I made the mistake of looking in my review mirror to see Harry staring straight at me. His arms were crossed and he was chewing his bottom lip.

I sped down the road and made my way home, praying I'll never see him -or any of them- ever again.


[Status: Edited and Revised]

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