Chapter 57

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I am a fire, you're gasoline, come pour yourself all over me, we'll let this place go down in flames only one more time.

-Zedd, Stay The Night





Carmen's Pov.

"I feel like a sausage." I said, looking in the mirror as I flipped my curled, brown hair over my shoulder.

"Oh my god, Carmen, shut the fuck up." Julie groaned, standing next to me before her full length mirror. "You look hot and nothing like a damn sausage."

I let out a laugh and eyed the mirror. Julie made me put on a tight, black dress that reached my mid-thigh. It's long sleeves clung to my arms as did the rest of the fabric. The center of the dress was shear, showing off the middle strip of my stomach. My black heels sat on top of Julie's bed along with her own.

Julie wore almost the same dress as me except hers was white and her hair was up in a bun I would love to know how the hell to do. She stepped in front of me and made me part my lips as she applied lipstick to them.

"You're really going all out, aren't you?" I asked as she ran her nails around my lips, collecting the rogue lipstick. "You're even doing my own make up."

"You're welcome." She said as she studied my face. "And yes, I am. That's because you never let me throw you a party before and I'm making up for it all." She put the lipstick down and went into her closet. I turned back toward the mirror and smiled.

Okay, maybe I did look a little hot. I rarely curled my hair and when I do it never looked as good as this. The curls were solid and framed my narrow face. My brown eyes popped thanks to the makeup Julie applied to my face and my eyelashes were extraordinarily long. My lips were red and contrasted my dress.

"Harry's going to love your ass in that dress." Julie said reemerging with a shoulder purse that was silver and white.

"I love my ass in this dress." I said, looking at my rear end and smiling. "When are we leaving?"

There was a knock on the front door, followed my a few more, making a beat. I turned toward Julie and she squealed. She grabbed her heels and tossed me mine.

"Now." She said as we slipped on our heels. I grabbed my clutch off of her desk and followed behind her. I felt weird walking in heels, but managed to not look like a new born deer. I ran my fingers over my curls one last time and by the time I caught up to Julie the door was thrown open.

"Happy birthday, shortie." Luke came through the opened door and I smiled. He gave me a bag with multiple gifts inside and a hug that made my ribs crush together.

"Thanks." I struggled to get out against his chest. He shook my body one good time before letting go. Luke turned his gaze toward Julie and my heart swelled at the love in his eyes. He bent down and gave her a kiss that she happily returned and I smiled. I'm so happy that they worked out and fixed their problems because they both deserve the world.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Julie exclaimed and pulled away from Luke. She ran back to her room while I was left with an unhinged jaw. The girl could run in heels. If that's not a superpower, I don't know what is.

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