Chapter 3

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Please don't make any sudden moves, you don't know the half of the abuse.

-Twenty One Pilots, Heathens





Carmen's Pov.

I woke up to the screeching sound of my alarm. I groaned sleepily and hit snooze. I set my alarm earlier than usual so that I won't be here if Harry actually does go through with what he said to me last night and is coming to pick me up.


What he said to me and how he spoke kept me awake all night long. He was absolutely insane and thinks his insanity is completely fine. I don't need Harry, nor do I want him. I don't know what's his problem or why he's doing this to me. I don't understand.

I got out of my warm bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I slipped on a pair of jeans and a sheer purple top. I straightened my hair and applied some makeup.

I walked back into my room and tried calling Julie. When she didn't answer, I gave up and put my phone in my back pocket. I grabbed my backpack and put on my sandals. I grabbed my car key's and proceeded out the front door-

And literally, walked right into the man I was avoiding. I took a step back and closed my eyes. This is not happening.

"Nice try, Carmen." Harry said and I opened my eyes. He was wearing a plain black shirt, black skinny jeans, and black boots. He had many tattoos on his arms moved attractively over his biceps and the veins on his arms.

"For someone who get nothing but A's in class, you're not that bright." Harry's voice held a large amount of anger but also some amusement. "This plan you had going on would have never worked."

I looked past him, not wanting to get trapped in his cold, emerald eyes. Harry took a step toward me and I balled my fist. The tips of our shoes touched and I would be lying if I said I wasn't shaking a little.

"You look beautiful today."

My fist quickly relaxed and I looked up at him. No one has ever called me beautiful and I can't deny that it made butterflies fill my stomach. But when I looked at Harry, his face held no emotion, almost like what he said was a joke. I rolled my eyes and he pushed me up against the wall without warning. I let out a light scream, wanting to scream louder but the fear I was feeling climbed into my throat and sat there.

"One way or another you will fucking learn." Harry hissed and I turned my face away. "I rather not lose any more of my temper in this shitty apartment building at 7:30 in the fucking morning."

Harry's grip on my arm were tight and I clenched my eyes together to keep from crying in fear.

"Just leave me alone." I whispered.

Harry grew quiet but didn't let me go. A few minutes passed by when Harry's hand ran down my arm and laced his fingers with mine. I opened my eyes and looked at our hands, confused by his gentle touch. My confusion wore off and was then replaced my shock.

"Let go get breakfast." Harry said and pulled me down the hall.

When we reached the lobby, Harry led me outside. Once a black BMW came into my view I stopped dead in my tracks.

"What is it?" Harry asked.

"I don't want to be late on my second day of college." I told him. "Just take me on campus."

"We're going to breakfast, get in the car." Harry's voice held a massive amount of authority, causing me to jump. I removed my hand from Harry's before he could tighten his grip and moved for the passenger's seat.

I could hear Harry let out a sigh and I ignored it. I got into his car and stared out the window. I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and wrapped my other arm around my stomach. As I twirled it in my hand, I froze. I looked over at Harry and he was concentrated on the road. I pulled up the phone dial.

"Do it," Harry spoke up in the enclosed space and I jumped. I looked over at him and his eyes were still on the road. His voice was hard and devoid of emotion. "Nobody's going to help you. They aren't that stupid."


When Harry and I entered iHop, we got service right away. Our server, John, seemed nervous. He would keep his eyes on me and off of Harry as much as he can. I didn't blame the boy. If I was him, I wouldn't want to look at Harry either. Hell, I didn't want to look at him now.

Then again, now that I think about it, this boy's not nervous, he's afraid. He's afraid of Harry. When our food finally comes, the waiter disappears. I looked around the restaurant while filling my mouth with pancakes and noticed that almost everyone's eyes were on Harry and I.

Mostly me, though, which caused my face to flush and made me want to hide underneath the table.

"Why is everyone watching us?" I asked Harry as I stirred my orange juice with my straw.

Harry wiped his face with a napkin and swallowed the food in his mouth.

"You don't know much, do you?"

I narrowed my eyes at Harry.

"Well, I'm not from around here-"

"Right, you're from Florida." Harry stated and my jaw dropped.

"How do you know that?" I asked and Harry smiled.

"I know a lot of things, babe." Harry stated. "And plus, if you were from New York you wouldn't dare cross me like you've been doing."

I bit my bottom lip, looking away from Harry when his hand went for my face. I flinch, afraid he would hit me. Harry rested his palm against my cheek and I sucked in a breath. His hands were rough and warmed. The urge to lean into his touch hit me and I fought it back.

"Stop biting your lip." Harry commanded as his finger trailed from my jaw to my bottom lip and he let his finger run over it. My face heat up as he touched it and he smiled.

"There are so many things that I can't wait to do to you, princess." Harry whispered, his eyes switching from my lips to my eyes. He reluctantly pulled back and the warmth that once enveloped my face disappeared.

"But to answer your question, people don't fuck with me, Carmen. They know what I'm capable of and they know what will happen if they try me."

Panic filled my stomach at his words.

"Fear is power; Power is strength." Harry mumbled more to himself than to me and I snorted.

Harry's hand clenched around his fork and his eyes went into dark slits.

"What?" Harry snapped.

"Nothing." I said quickly. I didn't mean to snort. It's just what he said about fear was absolutely insane. Fear is not power and fear is not strength. Fear's a weakness.

I could feel Harry's burning gaze on me as I poked at my eggs.

"Eat." Harry said and I wanted nothing more than to tell him no, but there's no telling what Harry will do to me if I dare speak against him like I've been doing.

I stabbed at the food on my plate and brought it to my mouth. It was already cold and I wanted to spit it out.

"You're very stubborn, you know that?" Harry asked and I looked up at him.

I didn't respond, just stared at him while he searched my face for something I didn't know was missing.

"You'll be broken like everyone else soon enough." Harry stated as he finished off his coffee.

Tears stung my eyes at his words and I stabbed at my cold food, bringing it to my mouth once again.

[Status: Edited and Revised]

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