Chapter 25

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Fighting on my own, in a war that's already been won.

-Paramore, Part II





Carmen's Pov.

"Well in my defense, the whole idea is stupid." I stated matter-of-factly.

Terence gasped and I drank my strawberry-banana smoothie as we walked the streets of New York. I made Terence buy me a smoothie since he bought a horrid I Love New York shirt. I swear when he bought that shirt my face turned an ugly shade of red due to my embarrassment of my brother.

"How the hell is it stupid?" Terence exclaimed and I laughed. He was ridiculously passionate about this kind of stuff. "You do realize when that movie comes out it's going to make billions."

"Sure it is, but everyone knows what's going to happen. The title reads 'Batman Verses Superman' and everyone knows Superman would demolish Batman."

"It's not just about Batman fighting Superman-"

"Yet the name gives us that assumption." I said and Terence rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Car." He said dramatically and I laughed again.

I took a victorious sip of my smoothie, enjoying the silence I made Terence go into. We continued walking until we had to cross the road. I pressed the crosswalk button and waited patiently.

"So, how's your hectic relationship going?" Terence asked me of guard. I jumped a little at how loud he was, like he wanted the whole world to here.

I opened my mouth to say that Harry and I were not in a relationship.

"It's not hectic." I lied instead and Terence rolled his eyes.

"Liar." He stated. All his playfulness and airy attitude morphed into something serious and stern instead. "That guy is obviously psychotic and you shouldn't get caught up with him."

Too little, too late, Terence.

I looked across the street, willing the sign to change to 'walk'. I didn't want to talk about my... relationship with Harry. I spent almost all night thinking about him and stressing over giving him an actual chance.

"I don't want to talk about Harry." I said in a low voice.

"Well, we have to talk about him some time." Terence said. "As your brother-"

"You're suppose to mind your own business." I said.

"You're kidding, right?" Terence smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"How's your relationship life going?" I asked, putting him in the spotlight instead having myself in it.

Terence gave me an uncomfortable laugh. I raised my eyebrows and we finally made our way across the street.

"Well," Terence began, swinging his bag back and forth. "Relationships don't really last."

"What happened?" I asked him, suppressing a small laughed that wanted to come out.

"Well," Terence said rubbing the back of his neck. "While I thought our date was an actual date, she thought it was more of a... friendly reunion."

"So she has a boyfriend?" I asked. We made it to the sidewalk and slowed down.

"Boyfriend!" Terence exclaimed. "That would have been better. The girl's engaged."

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