Chapter 13

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Okay, hold up wait a minute all good just a week ago.

-Childish Gambino, 3005





Carmen's Pov.

"Harry, Terence. Terence, Harry." I introduced them quickly and stepped past Harry who was fuming. Funny thing is, so was Terence.

"Who the fuck is this, princess, and why is he here?" Harry hissed and I closed my eyes tightly. The pounding began behind my eyes and toward my temples.

"You have got to be kidding me." Terence snapped angrily. "You're in my sister's apartment and you're asking me what I'm doing here? And I know you did not just call her princess."

I stepped between the two boys before this could escalate further. I loved Terence and his protective instincts, but he doesn't know how things work here in New York; he doesn't realize what Harry is capable of doing. Hell, I hardly know what Harry's truly capable of. Guilt churned in my stomach and I swallowed down the feeling. Terence came here to visit me and I didn't tell him a thing; I left him completely blindsided.

Harry let out a humorless, cold laugh that I hated so much. I looked over at Harry and he bit his lip. There was fury in his eyes and his fist were clenched tightly. The smile on his face was as tight as his clenched fists and almost just as frightening.

"I don't think your brother realizes who he's talking to." Harry hissed at me and I glared at him. Obviously finding that humorous, Harry chuckled down at me.

"Carmen, is this your boyfriend because, if so, you I'm taking your ass to the ear and eye doctor as soon as fucking humanly possible." Terence bit out. His angry voice and stance reminded me of when I was little. There was this boy that bullied me every day; he tugged at my hair, called me names, and slapped the books out of my hands. Each day, Terence warned him off, telling him to leave me alone "or else". One day, I was waiting outside of my house for the bus and he pushed me on the concrete. My head smacked the ground and my hands and knees were scraped. He laughed at me and the next thing I knew, he was on the ground next to me and my brother was kicking him in his ribs. I shook my head.

"He's not my boyfriend." I answered and Harry laughed again. He lined his lips with my ear and his warm breath sent a shiver down my back.

"If you're going to lie to your brother," Harry whispered and I clenched my jaw. "Do it more effectively, love."

Harry went over to my bed, giving us a full view of his scared back, and laid down. He put his hands behind his head and licked his lips.

"I'm much more than her boyfriend." Harry stated, running his tongue along his teeth and I turned a deep red. I'd had enough.

I took Terence's bags from him and put them in the corner. I hurried past Terence and went into the bathroom. I slammed the door shut, locked it, and plopped down on the edge of the bathtub. I ran my hand over my face and kept them over my eyes, seeing the cool darkness. Terence just came here and everything was becoming a little too much already.

I shouldn't have let him come here. Or I should have at least told him about Harry. I feel so bad right now and even worse about it now that I left them in the same room. This was a mistake, all of this was a mistake and now all I could do was sit here and calm down. Or, at least, calm down enough so my knees can stop bouncing.

All I could do right now was breath and not choke on the air that seemed a hundred times thicker.

Harry's POV.

I hated this fucking prick before me and if only he wasn't Carmen's brother he'd be decked on the floor.

"So are you staying here or...?" I began, sitting up in Carmen's bed.

"If you're not here I will be." Terence snapped and my fingers were itching to wrap around his neck. His arms crossed over his chest and I glared at him.

"I will be here so go ahead and get a shitty hotel room." I said with a fake smile that I knew would piss him off.

Terence clenched his fist and I smirked, praying he would hit me so I could have an excuse for beating the living shit out of him. He stares me down for a few more minutes before grabbing his luggage and Carmen's car keys. He finally left the room, probably to go find Carmen.

I win.

I don't know how many minutes past with me staring at the ceiling before Carmen came into view. I looked over at the door to see her leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest.

"What?" I smirked.

"Thank you so much for making my brother leave. He was suppose to stay here, in my apartment, not a freaking hotel." She snapped sarcastically and my eyes widened. She had tears in her eyes, but the anger in them was so much more obvious.

Annoyance flooded my system with the way she was speaking to me. I sat up and glared at her.

"Don't talk like that to me, Carmen." I ordered. "Maybe if your brother wasn't such a pussy he would have stayed."

"Don't call him that." She demanded and I snapped.

Anger filled me and I shot up from the bed. I cleared the space between us and she hurried back. I quickly grabbed her arm and pulled her to me. She struggled against me as I closed the bedroom door. I pinned her against the door, clenching her arms. She winced but I couldn't bring myself to loosen my grip.

"I'm so close to actually hurting you, Carmen, and you not making this any easier!" I shouted in her face, only feeling anger and not the pain as I watched a tear slid down her face. "I don't give a fuck about your brother. If I had it my way his face would have been buried in your wall-"

"But you do have your way and you make it known everyday!" She choked on her words as she cried out in my face.

"No I don't!" I shouted back at her, shaking her slightly. Not enough to hurt her but enough to make her cry harder. "I don't have my way because you're always in the way! You're always the wall that makes me hesitate and you've been the wall since I've fucking met you! Sometimes I wish I've never met your ass because of the way you make me act!"

She shook her head back and forth, tears still flowing freely down her soft cheeks, when the words I had said finally sunk in. I pushed myself away from her and pulled at my hair. I grabbed the glass vase full of purple flowers from her desk and threw it to the floor. The shatter satisfied me and I want to hear more of it. I turned back around to see Carmen scurrying out the door and running out of the room, away from me.

My shoulders dropped and I felt light headed. I sunk down on Carmen's bed and clenched my jaw. My heart was beating out of control and my breathing was at a fast pace. I closed my eyes, in a attempt to calm myself, but only saw Carmen's everlasting tears. I shot up from the bed and paced the room. I don't know what to do now, but then again I never fucking do.

Before I could think anymore, I hurried out of the room and toward the bathroom. I knocked and when I didn't get an answer I swung it open.


Panic flooded me as I began calling her name. What if she left? Where would she go? Her shit brother took her damn car and I doubt he's coming back.

I swung open her friend's bedroom door, expecting it to be empty, and saw Carmen laying down. He cheeks were wet yet he eyes were shut. I froze for a minute before entering the room. I stood over her for a seconds when I grabbed the blanket and draped it over her. She didn't move, she didn't stir one bit, and that gave me the impression that she wasn't asleep, but merely faking it.

With one last look, I turned off the light and closed the door. My blood was still boiling but I wasn't pissed at Carmen. I wasn't even pissed at Terence.

I was pissed at my fucked up self.


[Status: Edited and Revised]

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