Chapter 55

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They think I'm insane, they think my lover is strange, but I don't have to fucking tell them anything.

-Halsey, Strange Love





Carmen's Pov.

"Harry, I have to go to class." I laughed underneath him as he refused to let up.

I was able to get out of my bed without waking him up. I changed clothes, did my hair, and brushed my teeth. When I came back in my room, I leaned over to kiss Harry's forehead only to have him scare the crap out of me by grabbing my wrist and twisting his body, bringing me down onto the bed underneath him.

I wiggled underneath his hard chest and gave a little squeal when he tickled my side.

"Harold Styles!" I yelled and he laughed.

"Carmen Ann Matthews." Harry copied me and I rolled my eyes. He was so childish, yet so cute when he was like this.

"I have to go Harry." I whined.

Harry lifted his upper body off of mine, supporting most of his weight with his arm. His hair fell in his face and I slowly brought my hand up and pushed it back. I ran my hand down the side of his face and he kissed the palm of my hand.

"Not today you don't." Harry said and leaned down. His bare chest pressed against my clothed one, but I could feel his warmth seeping through my shirt and into my skin. "Happy birthday, babygirl."

I smiled, and I mean I smiled an embarrassingly huge smile. Harry smiled back and the beauty of it stole my breath away. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. It was simple and sweet, but the meaning of the kiss sent shocks going through my system and my heart pounding in my chest. I wanted him to deepen the kiss and rub circles along my hips, but this kiss...this kiss was perfect.

"I love making you smile." Harry whispered against my lips and then moved his hand along my neck. The feel of his skin always made me shiver.

"Thank you." I wasn't just thanking him for wishing me happy birthday, but for everything he's giving me. A new life, a new perspective, and a new love.

Wow, I sound so cheesy.

"Don't thank me just yet," Harry mumbled against my lips, a cocky smirk on his face. "At least wait until the day is over with."

I smiled up at Harry as he stared down at my mouth and then to my eyes. I could see his single, deep dimple and loved the way he looked at me.

"You are extremely beautiful." Harry whispered, his eyes skimming along my face. A blush crept along my face and Harry traced it with his fingers.

"Back at ya, pretty boy." Harry's eyebrows shot up and he opened his mouth to retort. Taking him off guard, I pushed at his chest until he was no longer on top of me. He thumped against my pillows and I was now on top of him. My chest pressed against his and I looked up at Harry. His mouth was slightly agape, but his beautiful green eyes were hooded. They way he looked at me sent shivers down my spine and my hands unconsciously fisting his shirt.

"Damn, that hot, do it again." Harry voice was slightly deeper than it was a moment ago and my blush hadn't faded. I let out a laugh and forcefully pulled myself away from him. I sat up in my bed and looked down at him.

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