Chapter 18

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You know you like it but it drives you insane.

-AlunaGeorge, You Know You Like It





Carmen's Pov.

Before going down stairs, I went back to the room I woke up in and went to the bathroom. I tied up my hair and washed my face. I looked in the cabinet where Harry told me would be unopened touch brushes and toothpaste. I brushed my teeth and left the bathroom.

I walked down stairs and walked into the kitchen. It was very large and beautiful and made me curious about how Harry got all this. There was a marble counter in the middle of the kitchen and stainless steel appliances. Harry was mumbling in his cell phone and looked up at me. He stood up and walked out of the room. I didn't question his action --I didn't want to anyway-- and put my hands in pockets. I sat down in the a seat around the marble counter and waited patiently.

Five minutes later, my patients was gone. I swung my legs before popping up from my seat and rummaging through Harry's huge fridge. I pulled out a pack of bacon and eggs. I found two frying pans and put them on the stove.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped, dropping the bacon in the sink. Harry stood next to me now, looking over my shoulder. I picked up the bacon and opened it. I didn't even here him coming up behind me and I swore he was a secret ninja or something.

"What does it look like?" I smirked, being a smartass. "I'm cooking."

"I have people I pay to cook." Harry stated and I made a show of looking around.

"Where are they?" I asked and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Very funny." Harry said and took a seat. "They don't get here until 12."

"So they don't cook you breakfast?" I asked, turning around to turn on the stove on.

"I'm not really a breakfast person." Harry told me and I suppress a laugh.

"You're shitty at holding in you laughter." Harry said and I could here a smile in his voice. "What is it?"

"I was think about how your always so...grumpy in the morning. Now I know why."

"Very funny, princess." Harry said and I sucked in a breath. This was one of the first times Harry called me princess in a...non-threatening way.

"H-How do you like your eggs?" I asked, even though I haven't even started making the eggs.

"I'll tell you when you start on the eggs." Harry laughed and I sent him a smile over my shoulder. I put a few strips of bacon on the hot pan and watched as they sizzled. Once they finished, I took them out and put them on a paper towel with a plate beneath it.

"I wish I could read your mind." Harry said suddenly as I moved the bacon in front of him.

"My minds not that interesting." I said playfully but meaning it.

"It'll be much easier to understand you that way." He said, taking a piece of bacon and putting it in his mouth.

"That would kind of be an invasion of privacy." I told him, turning around to make the eggs. "Not to mention boring."

"True." Harry said before getting quiet again. I cracked the eggs into a bowl. I bit my bottom lip, thinking about Harry while I added salt and pepper.

I wiped my hands on a rag, dropping it onto the stove and began whisking.

I didn't like the feeling I got around Harry. Feelings, to be exact. Sometimes I would be so angry with him that I would wish I knew his deepest darkest secret just to use it against him, just to watch him fall apart and feel what I feel. Then there are times like these where I don't feel angry or scared or upset. I feel almost at peace and maybe even happy. I'm calm and a little comfortable.

"Carmen, what the fuck!" Harry shouted, pulling me out of my daze.

I looked down to see that the rag I put down was on fire.

"Oh crap!" I shouted and grabbed the rag. I went to drop it in the sink when the heat travelled up the rag a lot faster than I thought, burning my fingers. I dropped the rag and withdrew my hand. Harry was by my side quickly, swiping the rag into the sink and turning the water.

When the rag was no longer aflame, Harry turned off the water and looked at me. My cheeks heated up and I wanted to hide. I've been so preoccupied that I didn't notice the rag catch on fire.

"Nice, Carmen." Harry said and I looked up at him to see him laughing. His eyes danced with humor and his dimples were prominent on his face. A smile crept it's way on my face and I tugged at my hair.

"It's not funny." I said laughing along with him.

"It was a little funny." Harry said and reached for my hand. I sucked in a breath at the warm contact. His fingers brushed over mine and I wanted to take his hole hand in mine.

"I-I didn't burn it that bad." I stuttered and Harry looked at me. He gave me a small smile and looked back at my hand.

"I see that." He said and ran his fingers over mine before letting go.

I looked down at my hand, wishing that the warmth that Harry gave it wasn't already fading away.

"Carmen, what's wrong?"

I looked back up at Harry and he had a serious expression on his face. I want to tell Harry what was wrong, the only problem was I didn't exactly know.

"I-I..." I said, not knowing where to go next. I closed my mouth and Harry just stared at me. I stared back unable to look anywhere else but at him. I flinched instinctively when Harry's hand came up to my face. He cupped my cheek and I closed my eyes hoping this didn't turn into a crazy argument.

I opened my eye and Harry was still staring at me like I was a some sort of puzzle.

"What?" I asked a bit breathless.

"You're...You're just so different." Harry said.

I didn't know what Harry meant by different. I don't think I'm different at all; if anything I'm simple. I was just about to reply when Harry leaned in. All the oxygen I had left in my lungs seemed to disappear as I watched Harry.

My eyes fluttered close as his lips brushed against mine. I kissed him back gently and Harry put one arm around my waist and left the other on my face. Harry's tongue swiped across my bottom lip when there was banging on the front door. I jumped in Harry arms, frightened, and he swore under his breath. He let me go and hurried toward the door.

Once he was out of sight, I pulled at my hair in frustration. I took in a deep breath and chewed on my bottom lip. I looked over at the stove to see it was still on and I grabbed the bowl of eggs. I pour the eggs on top of the frying pan and was greeted by the loud sizzling sound.

I grabbed a fork and began working on the eggs, trying to keep my mind in the present inside of where it has no business being.


[Status: Edited and Revised]

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