Chapter 41

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I'll be lasting till you come and find me...

-Paramore, Part II





Carmen's Pov.

Harry left after breakfast. He gave me a soft kiss on my lips and told me he had something to take care of. His eyes were sad when he kissed me and when I asked what was wrong, he smiled and said nothing. I didn't want to push him, but when I watched him walk out of my apartment, I wish I had.

Julie and I sat at the table even after Harry left and just began talking. She asked me about Harry and I told her everything. About what happened last night, about his mood swings, everything. She seemed surprised and talking about everything really removed some more of that annoyingly heavy weight off my chest. When we finished taking about my complicated life, we talked about her own.

Surprisingly, an hour later, Julie and I pulled away from the table. She went to get dressed and freshen up while I went to make a call.

"Hello?" Liam asked on the second ring.

"Hey, Liam, it's Carmen." I said, sitting on my bed and letting out a sigh. "Are you busy?"

There was a shuffling on the other line and then Liam's voice returned. "No, I'm not. Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I told him, "I just wanted to talk to you about Harry."

"Ok..." Liam seemed unsure, but continued to speak. "Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah, I did. He came over and just left." I told him and let out a breath. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened last night."

"I thought you talked to Harry." Liam asked. He was obviously confused.

"I did and he told me what happened, but he didn't tell me what happened between you two." I said and when Liam didn't say anything I continued. "Did something happen, Liam?"

"Why do you think something happened?" Liam asked after his moments of silence.

"Well, Harry's been acting a bit strange and when you called me he...he kind of flipped out. He was going to tell me something but...didn't." Talking about all this out loud increase the dull pain in my chest. Saying the words out loud made things a bit more true. "It seems like ever since you went to get him he's been...different."

Liam was quiet for several seconds and let out a deep sigh. His action made me want to crawl under a rock and hide. Liam knew something like I knew he would.

"You should probably just talk to Harry again." Liam said and I stood up with my free arm crossed along my chest.

"Liam, what happened?" I asked him as I slowly paced the room. I was dying to know.


"Please, Liam, just tell me." I begged him. "I need to know; I deserve to know, Liam."

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