Chapter 21

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I don't even know myself at all, I thought I would be happy, but now...

-Paramore, Last Hope





Carmen's Pov.

"See? Isn't this just lovely?!" Julie exclaimed as she dipped her fry in ketchup. "Just the two of us hanging out like the sisters we aren't."

I laughed and rolled my eyes. This was indeed nice, if I were to be completely honest with myself. For the first time in a while I felt at peace and even a little happier. I reached across the table and stole one of her french fries. Julie complained as I popped it in my mouth.

"Go in line and buy your own." She laughed. "They're like a dollar."

"What's the point when I can just steal yours?" I teased and took another.

"Whatever." She smiled and wiped her hands. "Oh, um, I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked, slightly nervous.

"Your Dad called me." She said and I rolled my eyes. "He wanted to know how you were doing."

"And instead of call me, his daughter, he called you? Wow." I snapped, annoyed with my father. If he wanted to see how I was doing and know what was going on in my life he would have called me, not my best friend. I mean, sure he knows Julie. He's known Julie every since we were little and he treats her like she's truly a part of the family. But she's not his daughter, nor is he her father.

"I asked him why he didn't call you and he said that he couldn't reach you." Julie told me and I rolled my eyes, sipping my sprite.

"He didn't even try, I would have been notified." I said, thinking about my cracked phone screen, and she agreed.

"Then I told him to keep calling you and he hung up on me." She laughed and I smiled.

"I'm sorry he's so..." I began, trying to pick out a word it coming up short.

"Dicky?" Julie says and I burst out into laughter.

"You did not just say that?" I asked laughing and she shrugged her shoulders.

We continued talking about little things and finished our greasy meals. Soon enough we exited the restaurant arm in arm. We walked down the street, walking past stores and salons. The sun was finally setting and the sky was a mix of oranges and dark blues.

"Thank you, Julie." I said and she smiled.

"For what?" She asked, looking down at me.

"For being such an amazing friend." I told her and we stopped at a crosswalk. She pulled me into a hug and I let her. When we pulled apart I felt like nothing else matter right now but me and my best friend.

"I'd do anything for you, Car." She said and we walked across the road. "Do you remember that time we went to summer camp and those idiot boys pushed you in mud and you started crying?"

I let out a laugh, remembering that day clearly. It was so embarrassing and I wanted to die that day.

"Yeah," I said. "And you jump in after me on purpose just so I wouldn't be lonely." We made it to the other side of the street and sat down on a nearby bench. "When you did that I knew we were going to be great friends."

"The best of friends!" She exclaimed and I laughed. "And then the next day those eleven year old asshats asked us out."

I laughed even harder as the images ran through my mind. They were so shy to ask us out, yet confident enough to push me in mud. Wow.

"And they were so surprised when we said no."

We continued laugh until our stomachs ached. There were tears in my eyes and wiped them away. When I turned back to see Julie gazing at something beyond me. She trying ripping her gaze fast enough so I wouldn't see but she was unsuccessful.

"Carmen, don't-" She began but I was already looking.

Through a window I could see a table full of girl and some guys. I kept my hot tears at bay when I saw Harry with some girl with jet black hair sitting on his lap. I watched as she ran her hand down his chest and whispered something in his ear. Harry smirked and took a drink of the contents in his cup.

My chest swelled and I clenched my fist. I mentally cursed myself for having feelings for someone who seemingly had no feelings to return. I wish I could stop the burning in my eyes and the pain in my chest. People say things happen for a reason but when is the reason even revealed?

"Carmen?" Julie called and I slowly turned toward her, putting on a fake face. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I said, hardly trusting my voice. "Maybe we should just go home, yeah?"

Julie stood up from her seat and took my hand in hers. She put her arm through mine and pulled me away from the horrific scene.

And to think, I really thought he cared


"Is everything alright, sweetheart?"

I slowly pick up my head to see Professor Cox looking down at me. Class finished about two minutes ago but for some reason I couldn't will myself the move. I opened my mouth to tell her I was fine but nothing came out. I quickly shut it and she gave me a small smile.

"Boy troubles?" She asked and I let out a sad laugh. She sat down next to me in an empty desk and crossed her denim cover legs.

"Is it really that obvious?" I asked as she got comfortable in the seat next to me. Her classroom was empty and I was glad she didn't have a class right now.

"Well," she began. "Every one knows that you' Mr. Styles." She said.

"We're not-" I began but she cut me off.

"He'll come around." She stated and I looked at her questionably. Harry coming around? I don't see that happening, but why does my teacher see it?

"Why...what makes you think that?" I asked in a low voice even though we were alone.

She let out a sigh and ran her fingers through her long, brown hair. She turned toward me once again before speaking.

"Harry only does certain things because he doesn't know how to cope with others. Now, the things he does are not always justifiable, but it's his only source of something constant; It's his only source of something he does understand." Professor Cox stated, lacing her fingers together. "Believe me when I tell you that he wasn't always the troubled boy you know him as." She said but she sounded sad, so sad. "He still has some light in him. I know it."

I didn't even speak. If I tried I would look like a fish out of water. I was absolutely speechless; I didn't understand how this woman could see the good in someone like Harry. Someone so...

Before I was able to speak and ask a question, Professor Cox stood up and smiled down at me.

"You should probably start heading toward your next class, hun. I don't want you to be too late."

I nodded my head and grabbed my stuff. I gave her a smile and mumbled a goodbye before hurrying out the room, confused and a little bit baffled.


[Status: Edited and Revised]

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