Chapter 6

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And I was on my knee when no body else was praying.

-Justin Bieber, Where Are Ü Now




Carmen's Pov.

"Harry, slow down." I said, watching the speedometer move higher and higher while Harry ignored me. His fury ran off of him like waves and was drowning me.

"Slow down!" I shouted again Harry ran a second stop sign. I'm going to die in this car next to a psychopath.

"I told you not to piss me off tonight, Carmen!" Harry shouted back, slowing down just a tad.

"What did I even do that was so bad?!" I spat. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You can't even follow simple fucking directions!" Harry laughed, yet no humor showed. "All I said was get me a drink not flirt with the broke ass bartender!"

"I wasn't flirting with him, I was talking!" A headache was brewing but I ignored it. "Liam deserves some kindness after you hurt him-"

"I don't give a shit what you think he needs! You are mine-"

"No, Harry, I'm not!" Angry tears were in my eyes. "I don't belong to you, I belong to myself. You're a cruel, heartless person who doesn't care about anyone but themselves-"

Harry's dark laughter cut me off and vibrated through my bones.

"You don't know what cruel and heartless is, deary. What, are you gonna cry now? Go on, I'd love to see some water works-"

"Stop the car or I'll jump out." I said as a few hot tears slid down my cheeks. Harry surprisingly pulled the car over and I angrily unbuckled my seat belt. I swung the door up and hopped out, slamming it behind me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry shouted.

I wrapped my arms around my chest and began to walk down the dark sidewalk. I let the angry tears stream down my face and the cool night wind blow through my hair. When I heard a door slam shut, I picked up my pace.

"Carmen, are you insane?" Harry shouted. I could hear his boots crunch against the grass quickly toward me as I quickly made my way away. "Come back and get in the damn car."

"No." My voice shook with sobs as I kept walking.

Sooner than I anticipated, Harry I grabbed my arm. I tried to jerk away but his grip was unwavering. He pulled me against his chest and I wiggled to get away.

"Stop...fighting." Harry said through clenched teeth, wrapping his arms tighter around me.

"No." I sobbed again.

I was getting tired, so tired. My punches and pushes and kicks grew weaker. All the energy I had left went into the tears I was shedding.

My knees buckle underneath me and Harry led my body to the ground. Harry kept his grip on me as we sat on the ground and I cried against his chest.

"Stop crying." Harry whispered and it almost sounded like he was begging.

I ignored his request and kept crying until my eyes closed and I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of a door closing. My feet weren't touching the ground and my fingers were clutched around the collar of Harry's shirt. My throat hurt and my nose was stuffed. Harry walked into my apartment building and stepped into the elevator. He was humming what sounded a lot like a Fall Out Boy song and I closed my eyes again, not wanting to speak.

We exited the elevator and stopped. I heard a door open and Harry walked again. I knew we were in my apartment, what I didn't know was how Harry got a key. His boots thumpped against the ground and I heard another door open. He put me down on an empty bed and dropped something else on the floor, my backpack probably.

I could feel him standing above me, watching, and it took all my left over strength to not open my eyes. Soon than later, Harry walked away closing the door behind him. I opened my extremely puffy eyes and looked around. This wasn't my room, but Julie's. The pink walls and matching bed were a little to much for me and by a little, I mean a lot.

I sat up in Julie's bed and my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out to see that, coincidentally, Julie was calling.

"Hey-" I began but she cut me off.

"Luke and I had sex." She whispered and my tired eyes grew wide. I removed my phone from my ear and the time read 11:31pm.

"Uh, good job?" I asked, not sure how exactly she wanted me to react. "Why are you whispering?"

"Because he's asleep and I don't wanna wake him." She said and sighed. "This was a mistake."

"What?" I asked. "Why is it a mistake?"

Julie has liked Luke for a long time and, in all honesty, I'm happy that they made it this far.

"Because he has a girlfriend."

My jaw dropped and I shook my head, taking back what I thought.

"Julie what...why?"

"I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?" She asked. "Everything in my head is all crooked right now and I hate myself but...I don't regret it. But I do! I do regret."

"Julie, calm down." I assured my best friend. "It's going to be okay. Get some sleep and, like you said, we will talk tomorrow."

"Okay, love ya Carmen. And thanks for not calling me a slut." She laughed but it was a sad one.

"Love you, too." I said and hung up the phone.

I got out of bed and grabbed my backpack, moving to my room. I stepped out of Julie's and looked up to see Harry in the bathroom across the hall. I expected him to be gone but no, he was standing in the bathroom with his back to me.

I froze as I watched Harry pull his shirt over his head. I watched all his moments, but what I wasn't prepared for the sight of his back.

Scars. So many scars I couldn't even count. They stretched from his shoulders to his lower back. I took a step closer, marveling at the perfect imperfections on his back. How could one person have so many scars? The only scar I have on my body is on my hip, from when I cracked it when I was seven.

How did he get all of these? Who did this to him? Why?

As so many questions formed in my head, Harry turned around to close the door and jumped when he saw me. I opened my mouth to say something but only cracks came out. I blushed deeply as I looked into Harry's eyes. Harry stared at me eyes wide, hand clenching the door knob. I tore my gaze away from his and turned into my room. I closed the door and locked it. I could hear Harry close the bathroom door a few seconds after and I trudged into my bed.

I removed my shoes, shirt, and pants and opened my dresser. I took off my bra and put on a baggy MARVEL t-shirt and boy shorts. I laid down on my bed as my mind went to Julie's and Luke's predicament.

Then my mind drift off to Harry.

Then to Zayn.

Then Niall.

Then Louis.

Then Liam.

Then back to Harry.

I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing myself to clear my mind and go to sleep whether my body wanted to or not.


[Status: Edited and Revised]

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