Chapter 32

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My three words have two meanings but there's one thing on my mind, It's all for you.

-Lego House, Ed Sheeran





Carmen's Pov.

My final class finished and I walked to the parking lot. I chewed my thumbnail nervously. I got Harry's voice mail and that only made my emotional turmoil worsen. What was I going to say to him? I didn't call him back, I didn't text him. I couldn't. Every time I thought of Harry, I thought of his mom; I thought of his dad.

I rounded the corner and came into the view of the parking lot. I stopped in my tracks and looked around. I didn't see Harry's car. I even looked around the tall trees planted for decoration. Harry told me he'd pick me up, but after what happened, does he expect me to walk?

As soon as the thought crossed my mind, and black and red Jeep stopped in front of me. Startled, I jumped slightly and backed away. As the window rolled down, my confusion built its way all the way up.

"Hello, beautiful. Hop in." I raised my eyebrows at Niall and his passenger, Louis.

"Uh, where's Harry?" I asked the two boys, nonchalantly looking through the back window in hopes he'll be there.

"He's at his house." Niall answered with a smile. His eyes drifted along my face, but they couldn't meet my own.

"Okay," I replied hesitantly. "Why isn't he here to pick me up?"

The two boys looked at each other and Niall's smiled slowly faded. Louis turned to face me.

"He's not really in the right state of mind to pick you up." Louis told me slowly. "He told us you needed a ride home, so here we are, love."

"Well, I don't want to go home." I told Louis and Niall leaned toward the window. He looked like he was going to crawl over Louis and jump out the window.

"What do you mean by that?" Niall scoffed. "Harry told us to bring you to your apartment and if we don't, that's our asses, love."

"I need to talk to Harry." I told them.

"Sorry, not going to happen." Louis said. "Look, darling, we're not trying to be dicks, but Harry's in a dangerous state right now, so-"

"It's either you take me to see him or I'm not getting in this Jeep." I cross my arms over my chest. When it came to Harry I guess I was a very stubborn girl.

"Fine." Niall gave in, hitting his steering wheel, and Louis sighed. "Get in."

I held back my smirk and got in the back seat. Once I shut the door, Niall pulled out of the parking lot. I buckled my seat belt and looked around. Niall's Jeep was nice. The leather seats were comfortable and the entire interior had major eye appeal.

I looked out the window as Niall took me to Harry. Niall and Louis bickered back and forth, but I tuned them out. They obviously weren't speaking to me and I didn't mind that.

Fifteen minutes later we pulled in front of Harry's house. I heard Louis whisper something about Harry going crazy but I shook that off. I got out a Niall's Jeep and hurried toward the front door. I heard Niall and Louis shout my name but I didn't listen. I grabbed the door knob and turned, glad it was unlocked.

Before I could step in, Niall grabbed my arm harshly. He pulled me back and I grunted.

"Can you fucking listen?!" Niall practically shouted in my face.

"What, Niall?!" I shouted back, jerking my arm from his grasp.

"Look, I know you care a lot about Harry but dammit Carmen if you go in there he could potentially hurt you." Niall told me, his eyes softening.

"Why?" I asked.

Niall grew quiet and Louis took and step toward me.

"It's complicated, Carmen. You wouldn't understand." Louis said and I shook my head.

"I understand more than you think, Louis." I told him and walked inside Harry's house.

I checked the living room and kitchen before heading upstairs. I looked through all the rooms before making my way to his bed room. The door was closed and light streamed from under it. I hesitantly knocked. When no answer came I pushed it open.

The room was a mess. Most things were shattered and broken. His bed was unmade and there were large holes in the wall. There was a empty bottle of alcohol on the floor and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Harry sat by his window. His hair was messy and his clothes were wrinkled. I could see from here that his knuckles we bleeding and between his fingers was a single cigarette.

"Harry." I called out and it was like everything in him stopped. The movement in his body ceased and he just froze.

"Harry." I called out again, walking toward him. "What's-"

"Why are you here?" Harry's voice was slurred, yet hostile.

"I-I wanted to talk to you." I told him. He didn't turn around to look at me. Just slowly brought the cigarette to his lips and took in a drag. He blew out the foul smelling smoke, not even bothering to open the window.

"Leave." Harry snapped and I flinched.

"I can tell you're hurting," I began and took another speak toward him. "I know you don't want me here, but, Harry, I just want to talk to you."

Harry didn't say a word. He continued to smoke his cigarette. His silence and demeanor frightened me more than his threats and tantrums. This anger was more tangible and haunting. The air was thick with it and made the weight on my chest almost unbearable.

"Harry please-"

"I said fucking leave!"

Harry shot up from his seat and I stumbled back, tripping over the empty bottle on the floor. I fell backwards and hit the floor with a low thud. I looked up at Harry, too shocked and frozen to move. I barely felt the pain in my back as I stared at him. Harry stared back at me. His eyes were bloodshot and his dark green iries were dull. He looked absolutely furious, yet he just stood there, staring at me, and smoking his cigarette. I felt my eyes water with oncoming tears.

Something was wrong, incredibly wrong with Harry and I was scared. Not of him, but for him.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me through clenched teeth and I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Are you?" I ask, my voice cracking.

Harry scoffed and turned back around. He plopped down into his seat by the window and continued to stare out. I slowly got up from the floor and made my way toward the door.


[Status: Edited and Revised]

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