Chapter 2 | sugar sugar

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In only a few hours, you'd already figured out some details about the mysterious L. He was party mute, he liked to curl up, he seemed very tired, he was around your age and he LOVED sugary things. Throughout your first meeting, which was mainly getting on the same page with the case information, he'd eaten and offered you numerous sweets.

Melon Pan, Mochi, Eclairs and the man even stirred his tea with a lollipop. Clearly he had one hell of a sweet tooth, or maybe low blood sugar he needed to get up. Either way, it was obvious he liked sweets. So for todays meeting, you figured you'd build trust by bringing sweets. Unsurprisingly L was a sceptical person, and while he did clearly trust your judgment as an investigator he was still a little on edge from his body language.

Inside a BreadTop you looked over all the buns and scrolls too choose from, you took a matcha bun for yourself and looked for the sweetest thing you could find for L. That ended up being a coconut and cinnamon scroll dusted with icing sugar. Your treats were bagged up ready to eat, you left your favourite bakery and stopped for bubble tea as well. You weren't sure what kind L liked, so you figured you'd ask him and get some for him next time, you just got your usual and headed for the hotel.

Along the way you pondered about this case.

Several people dead in a similar fashion and yet almost no evidence. All autopsies showed barely any damage, and there were no fingerprints or weapons at the crime scene. It's as if they all just... dropped dead. What could kill someone and barely leave a trace? And was it even a person? It had to be, there were so many it couldn't be a coincidence. What did all of these victims have in common? Why were they the ones targeted?

So many questions, barely any answers. You didn't blame L for needing a second opinion on this since you could barely wrap your head around it. And if the worlds greatest detective was out looking for help then clearly it was one strange case.

Reaching the hotel, you went back up to the same room as last time and this time when you knocked, someone opened the door for you.

It wasn't L, although you did recognise the coat. L had a person who'd act as his messenger sometimes, the one that would talk to taskforces acting as a middle man. You'd seen him before, but never without the full face covering. Turns out it was an older man, maybe L's... butler? Assistant? Dad?

"Ah, (l/n) right on time. Do come in" he said.

You walked in, hearing the door lock behind you.

"We haven't met yet, you can call me Watari. I'm L's caretaker, I was out collecting case files from the police last meeting you had. Don't mind me, I'm simply here to make sure the man doesn't forget to breathe while he's got his head stuck in a case" he explained.

That sounded about right, L seemed like a bit of a workaholic. And it was no surprise he'd have someone to act as kind of a translator since he can't talk.

"I see, well nice to meet you. Also I hope he's not allergic to anything because I bought snacks" you replied.

"Only some soaps, although I doubt you'll be eating soaps" Watari joked.

"Definitely not, only buns"

So that's why L's skin looked so soft, he probably had hypoallergenic soaps. Ok maybe you'd been paying very close attention to him when you first met, but you couldn't help it. This was L, he was a complete mystery to the world! You wanted to know everything about him. He was such a polarising figure in the best kind of way.

Finding L in the lounge area with his nose stuck into case files, he looked up when you entered and seemed a bit exited to get back to work. He clearly loved his job, apart from the stress part.

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