Chapter 33 | back on track

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Your current goal was finding the identity of the user BlackPlauge3. Although getting past all the digital security they'd used was a task, so far all you'd managed to get was the general area they were in based on their IP.

So you knew that it could be anyone in the next city over. Only problem was the population of the city was in the thousands, that's a lot of people to sift through. You'd managed to knock past VPNs, so you knew you were looking in the right location, but without a name or address or any personal details in general you had no idea how to find the mysterious user.

You and L sat in front of the computer, looking at the profile of the user on both and their chat page. The same username, the same IP, but zero identifying factors. Clearly they knew what they were doing, they'd not once slipped up and mentioned any kind of personal detail to latch onto or missed out on digital protection features. The whiteboard across the room with case notes on it only had two things under the BlackPlauge3 heading.

-affiliated with
-operates in England, just outside Winchester.

That was it... not much to go off.

"Have you tried narrowing down the IP?" You asked.

"Tried that, I think they're using a device outside their home because it only shows up as a random road... I mean we could try and go to that road and catch them in the act but if they find out we're onto them they'll probably make a run for it. We have to lie low until we can ambush them" L explained.

"Hmm... can you find out the exact device they're using?"

"I know it's a laptop, an ASUS one. Can't tell the colour or model though. It uses windows 7 though..."

"Well at least that's something"

You reached over to grab the whiteboard marker and added that little detail to the list. At least you might be able to track production numbers of laptops if push came to shove.

"Try... uh... nope I'm lost. Computers aren't my strong suit I'm a discrimination detective..." you sighed.

The two of you sat back in your chairs, trying to think of a way to crack open all the security and find personal details of the user. But you were at a loss, there was just so much cyber security on the accounts that even with everything you'd tried so far it wasn't enough to find a suspect. The silence of your problem solving was interrupted by the sounds of rushed footsteps up the hall, followed by the door opening.

"L! Can you come to the arcade with me and Mells? Roger says we need an adult with us" Matt asked, eagerly awaiting a response and hoping it was a yes.

L shrugged, gesturing to the computer saying he was busy. Out of curiosity, Matt looked at the screen and quickly figured out what was going on.

"A dark web site? Lemme guess, gotta find the guy running it?" He asked.

L nodded, Matt seemed intrigued.

"We have a few clues, but the cyber security is super tight and it's taking forever to try and get though it all" you added.

Matt looked at the screen for a moment, thinking. And once he'd taken a good look at the information, he sprung into action.

"I got this" he said.

Climbing up onto L's lap to reach the laptop he pulled it over and was opening programs and typing within seconds. You were rather surprised, you knew the successors were smart but you definitely weren't expecting Matt to be a tiny hacker.

"It's his thing..." L said, noticing your shocked look.

"Wow, you've taught them well" you replied.

"L gave me all the basics, but I got obsessed and went down the rabbit hole myself. Did you know it's super easy to access user data from big companies? Like seriously it's only a few lines of code away" Matt explained, while typing away at the speed of light.

That's... not alarming at all. You didn't like the sound of massive cooperations having all your personal details. Maybe you should use more cyber security, if a kid Matt's age can hack it then an adult with sketchy motives definitely could. You weren't quite sure what Matt was doing, as computers weren't really your thing. But it looked like he was ripping code apart for details, opening up anything that was accessible and trying to use that weak point to break down the rest of the site.

"Damn this guy has like 7 blockers running at once... how is his computer not on fire?" He muttered, dragging things on the screen around.

You just watched in amazement, this kid was definitely a successor of L if he was this good at hacking at such a young age. He could easily be the world greatest cyber crime detective. Looking over at L, he just gave you a look telling you this was normal. Seems like he'd had Matt jump in on computer work before.

"Ok so based on the model of laptop, and the IP it looks like he bought the laptop from a local store. The serial code is within the region, and it's fairly new. Only a few years old. Runs windows 7, ASUS brand. Runs on a streamsmart wifi network and occasionally connects to a company wifi for a department store. If you track the serial code you can find who purchased the device and when" Matt explained, highlighting the serial code he'd managed to rip from the profile.

You had no idea how he did that... but you were impressed.

"Wow..." you stated.

"L, companies can give out details about customers to detectives right? So you'd be able to just contact the manufacturer and ask for the details of who bought the laptop under that serial code?" Matt asked.

L nodded, throughly impressed with the knowledge and skills of his successor. In a matter of minutes Matt just tracked down your ticket to finding a suspect.

"Sick. Do it that way then, you can find a suspect through that. Now can you take us to the arcade?" He asked.

L looked at the computer, then at you, then at Matt. Debating weather or not to stay and work on the case or take the kids out for a few hours.

"Take a break, we have all day to keep working. A few hours at the arcade can't hurt" you said.

"...alright" L agreed.

"YES! I'm getting Mells and my shoes see you at the front gate!" Matt smiled, jumping off L and scrambling to the door.

Before he rushed out, he stopped himself at the doorframe and turned back to the both of you.

"And bring (y/n)! I have to show them how many machines I have the top score on!" He added, before scrambling off.

You already liked these kids man, they were amazing tiny humans to watch learn and grow.

"How the hell did he do that in like 3 seconds?" You asked.

"Hacking is his thing. Like he said I taught him the basics and he got obsessed, incredibly skilled that kid..." L replied.

"No kidding. I have no idea what he just did but I'm thoroughly impressed"

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