Chapter 6 | new mornings

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You were slighty confused when you woke up and found yourself in a room that wasn't yours. But after remembering the events of the day before you realised where you were. You figured you should get up and go out to get some breakfast before going back to the case work. So you dragged yourself out of bed, put some proper pants on and headed out to the main room of the hotel floor.

When you entered, you were about to say good morning to L, but found he was asleep on the table. You told him he needed sleep... and here he was passed out next to his laptop. You noticed that Wataris bags were back by the door, so you figured he'd come back after you'd gone to sleep and gone to bed himself. You were the only one awake right now, and that was fine by you. It gave you time to go out and get some food, run home and grab some new clothes before coming back to work.

Although... you can't just leave L there... sleeping like that will hurt his already squiggly back.

Carefully and gently you wrapped an arm under his, and your other arm under his knees to pick him up. He was surprisingly light for his height, you didn't have any trouble putting him in the bed you'd been sleeping in. It was the least you could do after he let you stay the night. Making sure he had all his work saved on his computer, you took a page from his notebook and left a note on the table in case he woke up while you were gone.

Went to grab food and some stuff from home, I'll be back -(y/n).

And with that you were off, thinking about what to get for breakfast. Maybe some muffins? You were sure L would like a nice warm muffin for breakfast too.

Some time passed but L eventually did wake up as well. He was also rather confused when he found himself in a different room, but figured Watari must have put him there. He noticed your lack of presence in the room as soon as he'd properly woken up, although he didn't worry much. He figured you'd gone home at some point in the early morning.

When he found the note you left, he scratched that theory and figured you'd woken up early and gone out as you'd said, expecting you to come back with some baked goods.

"There you are, you actually slept did you?"

He almost jumped out of his skin, not even noticing his foster father in the kitchenette making tea for breakfast.

"Apparently so. When did you get back?" L replied.

"About 2am, you were asleep on the desk and I didn't want to wake you so I left you"

"Wait... you left me? How did I get to the bedroom then?"

"I thought you'd woken up at some point and took yourself there"

"No... I just woke up- wait did (y/n) put me there?"

With every passing day he knew you, he just got more confused. Maybe he just wasn't used to kindness, but he couldn't imagine why you'd take him to bed.

"They we're still here last night?" Watari asked, pouring another cup of tea for L.

"Yeah, we worked late and by the time we were done it wasn't a good idea for them to walk home alone. So they stayed in my room, I continued to work. I guess they woke up before me, this note says they went out for food and to grab some stuff from home" L pondered.

"Seems they did put you to bed then, how thoughtful. Your back will definitely see the benefits of sleeping right"

Watari put the tea in front of L, who mindlessly scooped up way too much sugar to dump in it.

"Why would they do that though?" L questioned, stirring his tea in a confused daze.

"Because sleeping on a desk isn't very comfortable. They're just a kind person you know, it seems like something they'd do. Even if you only met recently" Watari replied.

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