Chapter 56 | one way forward

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You couldn't sleep. How could you knowing that the lady who put Rosie's life in danger was a primary school teacher with easy access to kids? You wanted to arrest her right then and there, but in order to get a warrant you needed some kind of physical evidence or at least more information.

So there you lay, looking up at the glow in the dark stars stuck on the roof of L's childhood bedroom as he lay half asleep on top of your shoulder.

Something about being in L's room was oddly comforting. It was like seeing a snippet of his life before you met him. Drawings he did as a kid were still on the wall, on the book shelves you could see his reading progress as the grew up. Children books on the bottom self and complicated academic books on the top. Unable to fall asleep, you carefully sat up as to not wake L, and got up out of bed to stretch your limbs.

You wanted another blanket, maybe warming up a bit more would help. Opening the closet, you looked for some kind of blanket only to be met with multiple of the same white shirt and blue jeans. Oh L... you strange yet loveable man. He did have a big winter coat and a formal suit hanging up in there as well, so at least there was SOMETHING else in there. On the top shelf above the clothing rack was a stack of extra sheets and blankets, so you pulled one down to use it.

You felt something catch on the blanket as you pulled it and almost had a heart attack when you saw a shape almost fall off the shelf. Luckily it didn't, and there was no loud thump to wake half the orphanage up. Reaching up to push the shape back, you found it was a box. And thanks to the moonlight coming through the slightly open curtains you could see writing on it.

Lawliets baby stuff.

Holy shit. You couldn't NOT look. Taking the box down you were quiet as to not wake L, and get caught snooping. Not that he'd really mind though. You sat down on the rug by the bed, and opened the box.

Inside were various things. His vaccination booklet kids get when they sign up to a doctor, some of his orphanage paperwork and folded up was a tiny winter coat. You lifted up up to see, and it fell small mittens and a scarf. You couldn't believe how small they were, it was hard to believe such a tall man was once this tiny. Underneath it was a photo album, and your curiosity only grew.

Taking the album and opening it, the first photo you were met with was of a tiny L, in the same winter clothes you'd just held. He held Wataris hand who looked a bit younger as well. It was snowing and the two stood in front of the wammys house sign.

L's first day.

Fuck. That's so cute, he was so little. He looked a bit scared in the picture, as you'd expect from a freshly orphaned child on their first day at a new orphanage.

The next photo looked to be a school portrait, one of those ones in front of a blue background that go in yearbooks. He didn't look much older than in the first picture, and even at that age he still had his signature eyebags. Flipping the page again, you almost died from sweetness induced heart attack when you saw it.

L's first birthday cake.

7 candles on the cake were lit, making it his 7th birthday. He had a big smile with a gap from loosing a baby tooth, and wore a party hat. A second photo was next to it of him hugging Watari who also wore a party hat, in the background some wrapping paper from presents. He was just the sweetest little thing, so exited to have his first proper birthday.

You wanted to cry, but held back your urge to sob at the pure joy on his face.

The next photo was one of him sitting in front of a computer with a stack of newspapers next to him, as well as a half eaten pack of lollies.

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