Chapter 29 | code cracking

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Who was BlackPlauge3?

That was the solution to the whole case. If you could find out who the user was you could find out who runs the dark web marketplace that provided the snuff and poison, arrest them and take down the site. From there you'd be able to find out if he was the one that killed the girl in the video or if it was someone else connected to the ring.

You'd gotten Max, he was convicted of his string of killings. Now you had another mystery person to find. You really weren't expecting a 2 in 1 case when you started, but this job can throw all kinds of curveballs at you. You needed to find this users IP, from there you'd know their location.

But tracking an IP that's hidden behind so many protective barriers on the dark web is a hard task.

Putting a mug of tea down next to L, he gave guy a smile as a thank you and quickly turned back to his laptop trying to break past all the VPNs, Firewalls and Encryptions surrounding the user BlackPlauge3. You on the other hand we're following up on the identity of the person in the video, now with some tea to drink as you worked. You had all the DNA results back, and to confirm the identity of the Jane doe you were going to look through genealogy databases in hopes someone in the family would make a match.

Annabelle Maskov. That's who you were sure the Jane doe was, they looked the same, we're the same age and the circumstances in which she went missing pointed to abduction. The real nail in the coffin would be if the IP address L was tracking down matched the location that she went missing in.

That would be an undeniable connection.

"Hun" you began.

L looked up at you.

"I ran her DNA through as many of those genealogy sites as I could and I think I found something"

You turned your screen to him, and he leaned over the table to look at the information you pulled up.

"There's a match to a Niki Maskov, who could be the older cousin of Annabelle. If she has a younger cousin that went missing last year then we've found our Jane doe and it's definitely Annabelle" you explained.

"Is there any contact information?" L asked.

You turned the screen back looked through the profile, finding a work phone number.

"There's a work number. I suppose I can call her through that and ask for the details of Annabelle's parents if they are related" you said.

L nodded, agreeing to the idea. You picked up your work phone and called up the work number listed on the website, putting the phone on speaker so L could hear too. It rang for a moment, and lucky someone picked up.

"Hello this is Vox Accounting, how may I help you today?" The voice on the other and began.

"Hi, this is Detective Lockdale, private investigator. Am I speaking to Niki Maskov?" You replied, using the name in the fake ID L provided you with.

You could hear a slightly confused tone in her voice when she replied, but she seemed intrigued.

"This is Niki, yes. Can I help you?" She replied.

"I'm working on a case involving a victim of a particularly suspicious case. Upon DNA recovery we found you may be related to the victim. Do you have a younger cousin called Annabelle?" You asked.

"Yes! I do! She went missing last year, have you found something?"

The excitement in her voice told you that you definitely had the right person. Although she probably wouldn't stay exited for long when she found out what happened to her cousin.

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