Chapter 34 | L's soul

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Tw: sad ass backstory involving child abuse.

According to Watari, L was a very restless sleeper as a child. That's why unlike all the other kids at the orphanage who only had single beds, L had a double. Because he kept falling out as a kid. Luckily for you that meant now he was all grown up and with you, you could share the bed while you were staying here.

It felt kind of weird to think about how just about... how long has it been now? 6 months?

Just about 6 months ago L was a complete mystery to you. Just like to the rest of the population he was just a letter on a screen with a text to speech voice. But now you were lying in his childhood bedroom. How fast and hard you'd fallen for each other was astounding. And how far had come with his communication skills so quickly made you beyond proud of him.

You'd figured out all his inner workings by now. He'd managed to work his way up to talking fairly well to you, but after a while he'd max out his talking points and go silent for a while. He just needed breaks sometimes. If he was particularly tired, or feeling sick he'd not speak. But if he was exited or worried about something he'd speak without even thinking about it. You'd gotten to know him enough that you just kind of knew when he could and couldn't talk.

Although the one downside to him not talking was his damn quiet he was. He had a habit of accidentally scaring the shit out of you because you didn't realise he was even there.

"AHH! Fuck L, someone outta put a bell on you!" You exclaimed, having turned to find him right behind you.

"Sorry" he snickered.

"You're like a damn house cat without a bell collar"

You were getting ready for bed, having been up working the last few days. L really should be sleeping too, you figured you'd have to nag him into it.

"So... I finished writing everything" he said.

That caught your attention.

You turned to face him properly and found he was holding one of his many notebooks he'd gone through, the pages covered top to bottom with writing.

"You can read it, and I'll answer questions a bit later. I promised the boys I'd read them one of my case files" L said, handing you the book.

"Murder mystery as a bedtime story? Why am I not surprised" you replied, taking the book from him.

He placed a kiss on your cheek, something he'd gotten pretty used to doing by now.

"I'll be back. Start without me" he said.

"Alright, you better come to sleep though"

"Yeah, yeah"

He left to attend to his childr- I mean successors, and you crawled into bed with the notebook. Lamp turned on at the beside table, you looked at the block of text and took a moment to think before reading it.

This was it, he was trusting you with his darkest days. You didn't want to see him hurt, you loved him. But you knew that if you knew the details you could understand him better and help him were you could. It might hurt to read, but it hurt him more to experience first hand.

So, you began to read.

To be honest, there's some gaps in my memory. I don't remember bits and pieces. Maybe I was just too young or maybe it's PTSD blocking it out, but I know the main story. And the parts that I do remember I wish I didn't.

Obviously, it started when I was born. I have reason to believe I was the product of an affair. Just from details I look back on and find suspicious, like I don't remember either parent being Japanese and yet... I'm half. You can tell just by looking at me. I also recall a lot of accusations of cheating being thrown back and fourth between parents so if that's anything to go off, I'd say I was an affair baby.

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