Chapter 5 | a lead

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This was it, you'd found the lead. You were practically buzzing with excitement.

You were right, it was a poison case! Every victim had eaten something around 2-8 hours before dying. Although it seems L was onto something too. The stalker theory, only a few of the victims had eaten out at a restaurant and they were all different locations. So it seemed the killer, or killers were picking a victim, stalking them and putting poison in their food.

You still didn't have a suspect or a motive, but at least you had a potential weapon and method.

"I guess all we can really do is follow up reports of stalkers or hospitalisations. Man I hope it won't take another death to solve this, the goal is to save people here" you muttered, scrolling through your findings.

You could hear the sound of pen on paper beside you, and after a moment L put his notebook on your lap.

Unfortunately sometimes the only way to solve things is to allow another tragedy. It's just the way this messed up world works. There's nothing we can do without an suspect, but at least if they strike again we can use that to save further people. So their deaths won't be in vain.

He was kind of right, at least any future victims would be helping save other lives. As dark and horrible as it sounded. You didn't want there to be any more deaths, but you had so little to go off it seemed inevitable. If things went right, maybe you could interfere before the next victim dies.

It'd been about a month since the last victim, you know the next wouldn't be far away.

That was the horrible thing about this job, sometimes there really is just nothing you can do.

"I suppose... although I wish we could stop things before they get worse" you sighed.

You'd spent all day here, just sitting at the table next to L going through case file after case file, making as many notes and theories as you can. The table was a mess of case files, laptop chords, empty bowls of ramen and tea cups. You'd been working relentlessly. And of course, L's notebook sat in between your laptops filled with scribbles of all your communications. Finally though, you'd gotten to a standstill.

You had your weapon and your method. Now you needed the suspects.

You sat back in your chair to stretch out your limbs, finally getting a moment to breathe. That was when you saw the clock on the wall.

"Oh fucking hell it's midnight! When did that happen?" You said.

L looked up, just as shocked to see how late it had gotten and looked out the window. Sure enough it was dark outside.

"Damn I need to go to bed, I already pulled an all nighter last night"

You went to get up and gather your stuff, but L grabbed your sleeve. Looking down at him, he shook his head. You gave him a confused look, and he picked up his pen.

Don't walk home at midnight, it's dangerous.

That... was true. There was a serial killer on the loose. And the city isn't exactly the best place to be at night, a lot of sketchy guys in alleyways.

You can sleep in the hotel bedroom, I'm not using it anyway I have suspects to find.

"You sure? You know you can't be pulling all these all-nighters too. You'll pass out mid-case if you keep this up" you replied.

It's just another night. Plus, I'd rather you not end up the next victim.

He had a point, it was safer to stay.

"Alright, I mean. If that's ok? I don't really have any other clothes with me but I suppose..."

You trailed off, thinking to yourself you could always just keep the door closed and sleep in your shirt and underwear. It was warm tonight anyway. L was silent... well he was always silent... but he paused for a moment before writing again.

I have clothes. Although they're probably a bit big on you.

"Hey I'm not that short! Although you are freakishly tall so..." you teased.

He seemed nervous, you chalked it up to having someone he only recently met stay the night. But in reality he was screaming at himself internally thinking 'is it weird to offer them my clothes?'

"Alright then, gimme a shirt if that's ok. You're sleeping tomorrow night though!" You agreed.

He nodded, your tone telling him you were serious and if you found out he didn't sleep tomorrow night you'd revoke his cakes. Leading you down the hall of the penthouse suite, you were bought to a pristine hotel room he clearly hadn't used much. Apart from a few suitcases on the chair in the corner and a pillow moved to use as a backrest he clearly hadn't been in here much, working out in the main area.

It was when he handed you a shirt identical to the one he was wearing you suddenly noticed... he hadn't worn a different outfit the whole time you'd known him.

"Dude... is blue jeans and white shirts all you wear?" You snickered.

He paused, and just nodded awkwardly.

"I suppose you don't really go out much so it's not like you have to dress up or anything. Thanks for all this, I'm gonna pass the hell out"

He was expecting you to just shoo him out the room and say goodnight, but to his surprise he found himself wrapped up in a one armed hug, the other holding the shirt he gave you.

"Clearly you're a cautious person, I get that. I'll see you in the morning" you said.

He just froze up when you touched him, not expecting it at all. And when you pulled back you just gave him a smile.

"Goodnight insomniac"

He just nodded, and that was a good enough response for you. When you closed the door he just stood there for a moment, taking in what just happened. You just... hugged him?

When was the last time he was hugged by someone that wasn't his dad? Years? He'd forgotten what it felt like. It was only quick, but it made his heart race. He sat back at his spot at the table, and tried to get back to work but found himself blank.

Why were you so nice to him?

All he could do was internally scream and let all that emotion out via the classic non-verbal stim of a spine shiver and shaky hands. What just happened? He wanted to know what in the human emotions just happened.

You on the other hand, had found the rather luxurious ensuite and decided to use one of the many un-touched hotel towels and rinse off before going to bed.

You'd stayed in many hotels for investigations before, but this one was rather fancy. L was the worlds greatest detective after all, he has money to burn so a fancy hotel wasn't out of the question for him. When you'd dried off and slipped into the shirt L gave you, you found it was indeed a bit big for you.

The sleeves were too long and the end of the shirt came down to your upper thigh. Enough to over your underwear like a mini skirt. But it was good enough to sleep in, and unsurprisingly smelt like baked goods. L always smelt like baked goods. The hotel bed wasn't awful, you'd slept in worse. But all hotel beds are so stiff so you took a minute to really get comfortable under the blankets before finally shutting down to go to sleep.

Man you were so tired after all that investigating.

L was so much cooler than you thought. You pictures some old wise man all this time but he was just a tired looking, young guy who can't talk and liked cake. You were still so curious as to what his voice sounded like, but you didn't want to push him. You knew feel well being mute isn't something he can control and if he can't bring himself to speak to you that's not his fault.

While you were curious as to why he didn't talk, and what his voice sounded like, you wouldn't overstep that boundary.

Maybe one day you'll get to hear his voice.

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