Chapter 68 | home town

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A/n: next chapter is the last one! And I just realised I unintentionally ended this book on chapter 69... i still feel like this book went by way faster, even though it's around the same length of all my others.

One long and boring flight later, you'd landed at the airport and were eager to get down to the arrivals gate to see your dads. It'd been so long, so many cases you'd been occupied with over the year. You'd missed them.

Rosie had woken up at some point during the flight, but since it was late and getting dark by the time you arrived, her body clock registered it as night and she was still drowsy. When you got off the plane, and went through security, she stayed clung to L like a starfish. The two of them knew you were practically jumping out of your skin exited to see your dads, and were willing to just sit back and follow you rushing around the airport to go see them. They liked ti see you happy.

Finally you made it to the terminal and from the top of the escalator, you spotted your dads standing by the baggage carousels waiting for you.

"DADS!" You called out.

Catching their attention, they both snapped around to face you and when they saw you from across the floor their faces lit up.



They called out to you, rushing over to the escalator, you didn't even wait for it ti take you down you just ran down the steps to meet with them. L and Rosie watched you book it over to your parents and leap into their arms. The three of you in a tight family hug, laughing and rambling on about how much you'd missed each other. Your boyfriend and almost-daughter trailed behind, just glad to see you happy.

"AH I MISSED YOU!" Your dad exclaimed, crushing your bones in his hug.

"Never go away for that long again! It gets so lonely without you!" Your father added.

"I gotta make money dude! I have a job you know? But I MISSED YOU TOO OH MY GOD-" you replied.

After thoroughly crushing bones and collapsing lungs in that tight reunion hug, you let go of each other and let the buzz of joy from seeing each other again settle down. You turned to L and Rosie, who'd caught up with you and stood beside you.

"And finally in person, this is L... Ryuzaki I'm public btw. And Rosie!" You introduced properly.

"You never told me he was so tall..." your dad commented.

L snickered, and your father just gave your dad a light whack on the arm as if to say 'what kind of greeting is that?' 

Your father, knowing sign language gave him a greeting and welcome to the family. L had to adjust Rosie in his arms to respond, but was able to return the greeting without dropping her. Rosie, watching them interact in sign language and understanding she could use it with these new people, worked up the courage to sign a hello as well.

"Wow she has learnt fast!" Your father commented.

"I know, these two are the worlds smartest people I'll tell you that" you replied.

"And then there's your dad who's been trying to learn but can't remember a basic sentence"

Your dad gently whacked your father this time, giving him a playfully offended look.

"Well maybe if you were a better teacher I'd be fluent by now" he joked.

"Maybe if you did the housework, I'd be a better teacher instead of having to do laundry all day" your father joked back.

You rolled your eyes at their banter. Over a decade of marriage and they still bantered like a newlywed couple.

"Please tell me you're making your best Risotto tonight, I've literally been craving it all year I've been away" you said.

"Of course I'm making it, I can't just torture my child like that. Come on, let's beat the after work traffic" your father replied, gesturing for you to follow.

After collecting your bags, you made your way out of the airport, through the parking look and into the car to head home. You'd be passing a lot of your childhood locations on the way, and you were eager to point them out to L. Rosie looked tired, but was intrigued by the new environment and eager to see where you grew up as well. So she managed to keep her eyes open for the sake of looking out the window at the sights of a new country.

"Is the hellhole still open?" You asked, bucking your seatbelt up.

"It is, unfortunately" your dad replied.

"Ugh, bullsh- shark. Bullshark"

You managed to catch yourself before swearing in front of the child in the seat next to you there. Good save (y/n). L gave you a confused look at the mention of a hellhole.

"Oh yeah, my high-school. It was the actual worst place in the world, but the only one in the area so I had to go. Until I was able to move to the other school in the area that was specifically for senior school. So I had to spend 4 torturous years in that hellhole" you explained.

He gave you another look, this time one of intrigue.

"It's a long story, I'll tell it over dinner" you said.

Now he was eager to hear all your hometown gossip.

"Look at you, telepathic are you?" Your father joked.

"I can read his mind at this point, it's all in the eyes. Look in the eyes and see into the mind" you replied.

"You got that secret mind connection with Rosie too?"

"I'm getting there. She and L are basically walkie-talkies though, they know EXACTLY what each other are thinking"

L and Rosie looked at each other in agreement, on the same wavelength.

"See? They're probably talking smack about me in their minds" you joked.

L and Rosie shook their heads over dramatically, and very sarcastically. Wordlessly saying 'us? Noooo, never!"

"I rest my case" you added, earning cheeky snickers from the two mutes.

Your dads already liked your boyfriend and almost-daughter from talking to them over video chat, but seeing them interact in real life made them like the two even more. They had a real connection, and a lot of sass.

"There's the hellhole" your dad pointed out, driving past your old school.

L and Rosie looked out the window as you passed by, finding it interesting to see where you spend a good chunk of your childhood.

"Booo you were a whack ass place" you complained at the school, flipping it off as your drove by. That earned giggles from everyone in the car with you.

They'd only been here about 30 minutes, but L and Rosie already liked it. The area was pretty, they were getting to see where you grew up, they had an adventure in a new country to have and they got to finally meet your dads in person.

They both knew that staying with you and your family would be a real fun couple of months.

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