Chapter 65 | anticipation

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Listening to the clock tick while you waited for an email to come through was killing you. You were so close, SO close to closing the case. You just needed the verdict from the courts.

It'd been a long wait for the trail to happen, and you and L had watched eagerly over livestream, you were sure the pathetic excuse for a teacher would be found guilty. But until you had the verdict you wouldn't know for sure. But you finally had a full story, start to finish of the whole case.

Max Deandrews, the one that's started it all. Killed a total of 8 people with poison supplied by a criminal ring in England over a dark web marketplace. Max was caught and arrested which lead you to finding snuff footage in his possession, that lead you back to the marketplace. The victim in the footage was identified and case out to rest after a year of being open.

The crime gang operating in England running the website was behind a massive string of drug trafficking, narcotics trafficking and we're trying to break into the human trafficking business before they were caught. Their failed attempt at trafficking a person was the case of Rosie Nakata. Her parents killed and herself kidnapped and held for almost a month being abused before you and L intercepted a trade and rescued her.

And finally, the person behind putting Rosie in danger was her own teacher, Miss Andrea. Who had been in contact with the crime gang as she was hoping to get money out of 'selling' one of her students to them. She also ended up being a child abuser in general after her students came forward with stories of their experiences.

That was the entire case, start to finish. 3 cases all connected to each other spamming across the globe and taking around half a year to complete. And finally, the final trail had happened and you and L needed one last thing to close the case. The verdict.

If guilty, it was case closed. If not guilty you'd need to find a way to change that to guilty.

The strangest but definitely most rewarding case you'd ever done. You got L, you got Rosie and you got to put multiple criminals behind bars.

But waiting for that email was killing you, you were desperate to know the verdict so you can close the case for good.

"(Y/n) you're making the desk shake" L spoke up.

You snapped from your daze, finding yourself bouncing your leg in impatience.

"Oh- sorry" you replied, forcing yourself to stay still.

"The verdict will come though eventually, calm down"

"I know I'm just eager to see it. Once this case is closed we can take a break"

You and L had already had one early celebration about closing the case the other day, the day you had extra time to kill and got up to unholy actions in the backseat of the car. The rest of the day L had shaky legs from how good you were and it gave you a bit of a giggle. But that little premature celebration was only in hopes you'd close the case.

You needed to ACTUALLY close the case to properly celebrate. And hey, maybe L can get another backseat treat for it as well.

Aside from the joy of closing such a big case you were also hoping for it to close so you could visit your parents, have L meet them in person and spend some time helping Rosie learn and grow more. In short, you wanted a bit of family time really.

"Have you booked plane tickets?" L asked.

"Yeah, at the end of the month. Hopefully we won't have to cancel..." you replied.

"I doubt they'll be dumb enough to say not guilty. We gave them irrefutable evidence, the case will close sweetheart, don't stress it"

L has done significantly more cases than you had, so he was quite calm about the impending verdict. You had no idea how he did it, how could he not be practically vibrating in his seat in anticipation like you were.

"I know, I know. I'm just crossing my fingers the jury aren't that dumb" You sighed.

"I can see you shiver with antici..."

You gave him a playful eye roll, knowing what he was doing.

"...pation" he finished.

"You a corset wearing, party animal from transsexual Transylvania now are you?" You joked.

"I think you're the one from transsexual Transylvania here" he joked back.

He wasn't wrong, you were someone who spat in the face of gender. But that was beside the point.

"I'm anticipating a good result that's all. Maybe we can watch Rocky Horror as a celebration if you wanna keep pulling references" you added.

"Sounds fun. We just need that damn email to come though" he replied.

"See? You're antici... paiting too"

"I am but not as much as you are"

A very familiar sound cut your conversation off, and you both turned to the door to find Rosie running in and before you could say anything she crawled under the table. Looking down at her confused, she put a finger over her lips telling you to stay quiet. And when you and L heard 'ready or not here I come!' Called down the hall, you knew it was a game of hide and seek.

"Oh I see, we'll hide you" you said.

Rosie nodded and turned to L for his confirmation too. He gave her a thumbs up and she gave one back. Sitting quietly under the table, trying not to giggle she hid from the seeker.

That seeker turned out to be Mello who came into the room and scanned it down quickly.

"Have you seen Rosie?" He asked.

"Nope" you lied.

L shook his head, keeping his promise to hide Rosie.

"Damnit, thanks" Mello replied, running off to find the others.

You and Rosie snickered, and she poked her head out from under the table.

"He's gone, quick find a spot he's already looked so he won't think to look there again" you said.

She nodded, and snuck out to go find another spot. You and L smiled watching her rush off, loving to see her have so much fun and getting along with her friends.

"Man she's such a sweetie" you smiled.

"I know, god I've turned into such a dad..." L replied.

"You may have turned into a dad but that also makes you a dilf"

He rolled his eyes at you, gently whacking you on the arm for that comment. Not that being a dilf was a bad thing though...

Finally, after what felt like years of waiting your computer pinged and the two of you quickly turned to it hoping it was an email notification. And luckily, it was.

Eagerly clicking on it, you opened the new email addressed from the court. The two do you read all the legal jargon, scanning the email for a particular word. And in one of the last paragraphs you finally saw it.


"Yes! Finally we did it!" You cheered.

You gave each other a victory high five and a tight hug.

"That's it! Case closed!" L smiled.

"Our first case together all done and dusted! About time, it took us on one hell of a ride" you said.

"That's for sure"

You broke the hug, keeping your hands on his shoulders and giving him a loving smile.

"Thank you for choosing me to help, it's the best thing that's ever happened to me" you said.

"Thank you for accepting the job, if you didn't the case wouldn't be solved. And... I wouldn't have you" L replied.

This case will always stick out to you, it was the one that bought you together and the one that gave you a child to care for. Your first case together and your most meaningful one yet. What an accomplishment.

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