Chapter 28 | well rested

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There was still a lot to do, but you'd both been awake for days now. Sleep was desperately needed, but since you'd been in the same pyjamas for a few days straight you figured you should shower and change first. L had the same idea, the both of you were a mess recently. So, you cleaned yourselves up, and warmed up in fresh pyjamas. It felt much better being clean and warm, ready for a good long sleep.

Climbing into bed, you found this hotels bed much more comfortable. The pillows were still kinda stiff, all hotel pillows were. But they were tolerable, and the blankets were warm and nice and soft so you'd still be able to sleep just fine. Tired, you wrapped yourself up under the blankets and lay in the darkness letting your brain finally shut down for a while. L on the other hand, was still finding sleep a hard thing to achieve.

He just lay there, starring at the ceiling in his room. He was exhausted but he'd never found sleeping easy, the darkness and vulnerability made him uneasy. It reminded him too much of when he was still a kid before wammys, listening to arguments down the hall and hoping and praying that he didn't hear footsteps come up to his room in a rage. Being woken up from a sleep to screaming and being thrown around wasn't a pleasant experience for a kid. Ever since then, he'd never slept easy.

There was no one to protect him, no one to look out for him. Someone could be hiding in the dark, someone could wake him up and take advantage of his vulnerability while he's half asleep.

Except... he wasn't alone anymore was he?

He remembered all the books he'd read, and how the couples always fell asleep together and snuggled up in each others arms. Maybe if someone else was there to look out for him, he'd feel more at ease and be able to fall asleep?

Quietly he got up, left his room and navigated the dark hallway trying not to trip on anything. The building was quiet, as everyone staying at the hotel would be sound asleep on all the other floors. Only a few people would be up at this hour, those who had light night flights to catch or those who'd just landed. When he reached your room, he quietly pushed the door open and found you half asleep under the blankets.

You weren't quite asleep yet, but definitely drowsy. So you heard the door open, and felt the mattress on the bed sink slightly next to you with the added weight.

"What's up?" You muttered, half asleep.

"I can stay here right? Couples can do that... right?" He replied.

Ah, such a sweetheart. You were wondering when he'd start crawling into bed with you honestly.

You pulled the blanket back next to you and allowed him access.

"Get in" you said.

He gladly did, wanting to get out of the cold night air and into your loving arms. Before you, he'd never been to keen on being touched. He still isn't, he'd never met a stranger or work colleague touch him. But you... you were different. You were gentle, warm, soft, comforting. Wrapping your arm and the blankets around him, you pulled him up to your chest and he rested his head against it. He could hear your heart beating, a quiet, comforting rhythm that told him you were alive and well. He'd always had a thing for heartbeats, when he was a kid and crawling into his foster dads bed after a nightmare he'd rest his head in Wataris chest to listen to his heart beat. When he was getting closer with his successors, and they started coming to him for comfort he'd hug them against his chest so they could listen to his heartbeat.

The heartbeat was just a comforting, soft sound to hear. The sound of life, and of love.

"You've never been a good sleeper huh?" You asked.

"Mmhm..." he agreed.

"Whatever happened, it won't on my watch"

He smiled, appreciating your willingness to protect him. It made him feel a lot more soothed, like some of his anxieties just vanished at the sound of your voice.

"I don't like being tired and weak, it means I can't fight back" he muttered.

Fight back..? You didn't like the sound of that. Whoever has woken him up just to harm him would be feeling your wrath if you ever found them. You were gonna catch some aggrieved assault charges if you ever crossed paths with them.

"You have me... I'll be your shield" you assured.

"Thank you..." he replied.

He was already starting to feel more drowsy, this was definitely a good idea to come sleep with you. He'd be doing it more often now, as long as you were fine with it. And considering you were holding him against you like otters holding hands when they sleep so they don't drift away from each other, he knew you'd let him stay wherever he needed.

"I love you" he said.

"I love you too hun... and hey, look at you talk" you pointed out.

He suddenly realised he'd just had a small conversation with you face to face, maybe it was because he was so tired he'd forgotten to be scared. Or maybe it was because he was getting that much better that much quicker. Either way as soon as he realised, it was like his quiet switch was flipped back on and he went mute again. He always seemed to do that, that was the next roadblock he needed to over come.

He just responded by giving you a loving squeeze, and you got the message pretty quickly.

"Don't push yourself... plus we need sleep so let's shut up and do that" you said.

He agreed by placing a sleepy kiss on your forehead, and resting his head back against your chest. You smiled, returned his kiss and rested your chin on top of his head, gently rubbing his back.

"Get some sleep sweetheart... goodnight" you said.

"G...goodnight..." he managed to get out before completely shutting down again.

That was enough for you though, you were about to fall asleep as it was so it wasn't like you could keep talking all night.

He felt so much more comfortable and calm knowing you were there with him, hearing your heart beating and feeling your warmth. Your reassuring arms around him made him happier than a quokka, the worlds happiest animal.

He just knew that as long as you were there, he'd be alright.

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