Chapter 21 | questioning

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Today was the day, everything was ready to go. L had a lot of people working under him specifically for field world, and today he's organised for them to raid the suspects house for anything suspicious as well as all electronics, and you would be waiting at the police station, ready to interrogate after the arrest.

L was a little worried, even though he knew you'd done this many times before he didn't like the idea of you alone in a room with a potential killer.

There were cameras and mics in every corner of that room, so if anything did happen it'd be a matter of seconds for someone to bust down the door and help you. But even so, L was a little nervous. Under a false name, and using the cover story of being hard of hearing to not have to talk to anyone L sat on the other side of the one way glass looking into the interrogation room ready to watch. You sat at the table inside ready to question.

Along with L was the Cheif of the local police and Watari, all here to watch as well.

Finally after what felt like hours of waiting, the main suspect Max Deandrews was bought into the room. L immediately noticed a change in his body language, upon seeing you. You noticed it too, and glanced at L through the window knowing where he'd be behind it.

"Alright, this is detective AJ and they'll be conducting the questioning today" the officer said, using the false name you'd given everyone on this case.

"Thanks, I'll take it from here" you replied.

"I'll be outside if you need me"

The officer left, and it was just you and Max at a table. You'd admit you were a little nervous despite having done this before, maybe it was because this guy was particularly gross.

"Ok, as he said I'm AJ and I've been on the case since the beginning. So I'll be running you through everything today, first off is the usual protocol. You're allowed to ask for a lawyer, you have the right to remain silent, anything you do say can and will be used against you in court. Understand?" You began.

Max nodded, he seemed a bit... restless.

"So... do you know why you're here?"

"Because y'all think I killed that girl" he replied.

Blunt. He wasn't even trying to deny the fact he knew he was a suspect. Although he was insinuating it wasn't him, right off the bay it seemed like he'd take the 'I don't know why I'm a suspect' approach.

"Well yes, that's one way to put it. Are you aware why you're a suspect?" You asked.

"Probably because girls at uni don't like me, and have pointed the finger at me" he replied.

Hmm... so he was aware he wasn't liked.

"Do you know why they don't like you?"

"Because chicks only want rich, ripped, assholes. No one wants people like me" he sighed.

Ugh, you wanted to gag but couldn't show any distaste. L rolled his eyes though, both of you knew that statement was bullshit. Girls like who they like, everyone is different and has different preferences. But if you can't respect them, then OF COURSE they won't like you. If L, who never left the house and can barely talk can find love them anyone who isn't a total asshole can.

"Right... and what was your relationship with the deceased?" You asked.

"She was in my class. That's about it" he replied.

There was just something so off about this guy. He looked unkempt, and not in the sleepy, hot way like L. In the messy, loosing your mind way. He spoke with a twinge of disgust, he gave you dirty looks. And knowing his views on people like you, you'd be willing to bet that's why.

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