Chapter 40 | who is she

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That entire final day at the hotel was spent desperately trying to look for any information on this girl they were talking about.

Who was she? Where did she come from? How did they get their hands on her? Was she ok?

You and L had so many questions, but after spending a whole day using the spyware to trace all actions taken on suspect Reed Alexander's computer, you came to empty handed. That lead you to believe that this was planned in person. Whoever was on the other end of the phone call must have been talking to Reed face to face about this plot so there's he be digital trail of it.

You couldn't even look at missing persons databases to try and guess who it was because you had no clues. No appearance, name, age, race, nothing. All you knew was a girl was in the illegal custody of the members of the crime ring and on Monday was being transported to a drop off point. They likely planned to further harm her. All you could do was wait until Monday and show up at the warehouse to ambush them and save the girl.

You really, really hoped she was ok and would survive the weekend until Monday where you could rescue her.

But for now, you had gone back to wammys now you'd placed completed the mission of bugging the house. You were back in the spare study room you'd set up as a mini taskforce and watching those cameras for any hint of a clue to who this girl was or what the plan was.

"Is everything ready for Monday?" L asked.

"Yeah, I've emailed everyone involved and we'll have backup" you replied.

"Good. I'll probably stay in the car since... you know. I can't talk, secret identity... but if anything happens I'll jump out to help you"

"That's fine. I'll be out there with them to look for the girl, my main priority is making sure she's ok"

L has been stressed out of his mind the past few days knowing there was a mystery girl in serious danger and he couldn't do anything about it until Monday. The stress was constantly threatening to revoke his speaking rights. But at least you were carrying some of that burden with him, and you too were just as concerned as he was.

"God... I feel like I need to just sit in my room and not talk for a while. Just bask in the silence" L sighed.

"You can if you want. I'll keep watching the cameras" you replied.

"No it's ok, I don't want to make you carry all the stress. I'll lock myself away for a few hours once we know the girl is safe"

Sometimes when he'd been talking for a particularly long time, or was overwhelmed he just needed to sit down and hide for a while. No talking, no listening. Just him, alone and relaxing in silence. That was how he avoided getting so overwhelmed he'd break down. Watari taught him the importance of quiet time as a kid, when he'd push himself too far and and up crying on the floor.

That was something he passed onto his successors too, whenever they were getting stressed with class or angry at something he'd tell them to go to their room and just sit and relax for for a while to calm down. Near found it very helpful, when things got too loud for him, or the lights were too bright he'd go and sit under his blankets for a while with his favourite teddy. Sometimes he'd ask L to sit with him as well for extra support.

Mello ask benefited form it, as he had a very short temper and can get explosively angry easily. L would tell him to go 'take a chill pill' and Mello would angrily stomp off to his room and sit on his bed to calm down in the quiet away from everyone. It always worked, sometimes he just needed to have a moment to himself.

Matt did know about this trick, but hasn't had to use it often as he was naturally quite a chill kid. But the advice from L was always there in the back of him mind for when he did need it.

They may not be mute like L, but his tricks did help for other things as well.

Speaking of the boys...


You and L both turned to face the doorway where you found Mello with something in his hands.

"Can you fix it? I don't know what happened" he said, holding up a torch that had the bulb popped out.

"What the- how'd you manage that?" You laughed.

L took the torch and gave it a quick look, realise it was fixable and got to work.

"I dropped it, it was an accident I promise!" Mello said.

"What are you cheeky monkeys doing with torches in the day anyway?" You asked.

"Roger said we could look in the storage attic for the old game console. It broke a while ago but Matt reckons he can fix it now"

Ah yes, Matt the tiny tech expert. You assumed he probably could fix it after watching him get all that information on the suspects computer for you. L was always the one who fixed the broken toys or beat the hard level even Matt couldn't get past, so fixing the popped out bulb was easy. He screwed every back together and the torch worked perfectly fine again.

"There you go" he said, handing it back to Mello.

"Sick, thanks! Oh, is that the suspect?" Mello replied, spotting the security footage on your screens.

"Yeah that's him, man's has one gross ass house huh?" You said.

"It's messier than Matt's room. And that's saying something"

You snickered, you'd seen the boys rooms and you'd admit they were a bit messy. What do you expect from rowdy young boys though?

"Is that a while drug lab?" Mello questioned.

You were about to ask how this kid knew what a drug lab was, then you remembered he was L's successor and literally training to fight crime.

"Yep, he's getting arrest on Monday. We'll only be gone for the day and back by that night, we'll be out there to ambush him" L explained.

"COOL! Can I come?" Mello exclaimed.

"Uhh... maybe when you're a bit older you can come to the crime scenes. It's not really safe for a kid"

"What? But I'm a big kid! AANNDDD your successor!"

Ah yes, very compelling points to bring a 9 year old to a crime scene.

"Sorry Mells, when you're older" L said.

"Ugh, fine. Thanks for fixing the torch, I'm going to find that console!" Mello replied, quickly running off to continue his mishaps with Matt.

You turned back to the screens and continued to watch.

"He's eager to jump right into field work" you said.

"He's always liked the idea of going in super dramatic spy missions. He's definitely small enough to sneak around right now but way too young, when he's older..." L replied.

"Yeah, a crime scene is no place for a child. When he's older"

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