Chapter 44 | loose ends

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Now you'd gained control over the website and arrested the man behind it, as well as rescued the girl in his gangs grip, you had one last thing to do to close this case.

Track down everyone that'd used the site, and arrest them. It was quite the task, although now you had all the data thanks to ceasing Reeds belongings and making all the arrests, you were able to start tracking down people one by one.

There were five people involved in the attempted trafficking of Rosie and the murder of her parents, all of which were arrested at the warehouse. You'd managed to match them each to a user on the website and slowly you were making your way down the list of users to track them each down.

"That's everyone in the data, I organised them via the services they were soliciting" you said, putting the cap back on the whiteboard marker.

L looked up to see a list of all the under names found in the sites data and what services they'd paid for. A list seperate list for each crime. One of all the drug pushers, the ones who bought snuff, ones who bought fake legal documents, ones who doxxed and were involved in revenge porn and cyber stalking. It was a very long list of crimes, a lot of which were done online.

"There's 84 users overall, we've taken care of six of them... I think we can hand the lesser crimes over to the police as they'd be able to track and arrest a lot quicker and easier. We can focus on tracking the harder ones" L said.

"Sounds good. We can also hand the cyber crimes over to the FBIs unit for it, they'd have tons more resources for it. I say we focus in on those who's bought and produced snuff and the druggies, which makes 18 people for us to track down" you replied.

You both liked that plan, it'd be most efficient and lessen the work load.

"I went through all the chat logs I could get my hands on and I didn't see anything about trafficking, so I think Rosie would have been their first endeavour into it if we didn't step in. We know they've kidnapped before, from the last snuff video but I can't seem to find any other instance of it other than Rosie" You added.

"I looked though that as well, I can't find anything outside of the last video we ceased and Rosie. They seem to get snuff from other sources to re-sell, rather than make it. Either way we've arrested Reed and his gang and they were the ones behind all of that to begin with. We just have to track down the clients" L replied.

You sure did have your work cut out for you, 18 separate people to track down. And some of them were probably on the other side of the world meaning you'd need to get international police in on it to make the arrests. Not to mention you now had an extra kid to look out for.

Rosie had been doing alright so far, she seemed to be calming down a little the longer she was in the orphanage. She was still very shaken and timid but had taken a liking to Near and Linda as they were the more quiet and gentle of the group. Matt and Mello were nice and all, but they were older rowdy kids that were a little high energy for her sometimes.

It'd been a few weeks since you rescued her. She'd had weekly therapy sessions with a psychiatrist, was gaining weight again and her injuries were looking better. Overall you were just glad she was improving.

And as L promised, he'd been teaching her sign language here and there to help her communicate easier. She seemed to enjoy it, and got exited when she learnt new signs. She was learning fast, but was still at a pretty basic level.

"Speaking of Rosie... now she's legally in the custody of the orphanage she can start school again. Remind me to give her a basic test to see what grade she should be in" L added.

"She seems smart, I'm sure she'll do well" you replied.

"She's already making friends so I'm sure she'll settle into class, she can sit with Near and Linda"

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