Chapter 38 | mission second suspect

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It took a little while for the two of you to fully wake up this morning, after last night you were pretty tired. But you had things to do today so you both forced yourselves out of the soft hotel bed and went right into the case. After ordering some really good room service waffles that is.

You were on a bit of a schedule today, you needed the computers set up and ready to go by lunch and you'd go straight out to the suspects house to bug it.

"You'll be alright?" L asked.

"Honey I've done this before, I'm fine" you replied, pulling your gloves on for this mission.

L worried about you a lot, while it was sweet you didn't want him to get too stressed.

"I know, I know" he replied.

You had to be extra careful this time. This was a seasoned criminal you were dealing with, he could have potentially dangerous things in his possession and would know if something had been tampered with. You had to get in, bug the place and get out leaving absolutely zero evidence. And you had to make sure you weren't spotted by any security cameras in the area, that meant covering your face and any defining features. While L set up your computers, you got yourself ready.

You wore easy to move in, loose clothes so your body type couldn't be identified. Gloves so no fingerprints would be left, put your hair back under a beanie to hide the colour and a face mask to obscure your facial features. On the off chance a camera did catch you, you were unidentifiable. In your bag was everything you'd need. Lock pick, bugs and cameras, USB with a spyware program to put on the computer.

"Alright, I'm ready. You'll have the computers ready by the time I get back?" You asked.

"Yeah, all the spyware programs are installing and I've already got the cameras connected" L replied.

"Awesome, I'll be back before you know it"

You turned to leave, but L grabbed your shoulder and pulled you back. Placing a quick kiss on your cheek, you smiled under your mask.

"I love you too" you said.

"Be careful" he replied.

"I will, don't worry"

As you made your way out of the hotel and followed the map to the address, you couldn't help but be all smiley and happy about last night and this morning. L was doing so well with communicating you were over the moon with joy, so so proud of him. Even if he'd never be able to get rid of mutism completely, just the fact he'd made it this far was more than enough. He was talking a lot more recently, you were so glad he trusted you enough.

And his kindness and gentleness last night was something to smile at too. Even with his nerves he still made sure to ask before acting and be careful. The two of you were similar in that part, you both made it a habit to ask about anything before acting upon it. Consent in any situation is important.

He was just so thoughtful for you, you loved it.

The hotel being nearby to your suspects area meant it didn't take you long to get there, and if your research was right, he should be leaving the house for a day job any minute now. Walking down the street you could see the house at the end of the road, a small park next to it. That gave you a spot to hide and steak out.

Never underestimate the power of a playground tunnel on a school day. When all the kids are in class and not out playing at the local park, a tunnel was the perfect place to hide. The street was quiet as most people were at work or school, so no one was around to question why an adult was climbing up a playground to sit in the tunnel.

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