Chapter 58 | just one thing

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The fact of the matter was, this teacher was sketchy. You and L knew she was in on the whole plot from the beginning, her slip up in the interrogation room proved it. But now you needed to find something that you could use as proof for a warrant to arrest. That one slip up wasn't enough in the eyes of the law, even though you and L knew otherwise.

So, how did you get some kind of evidence without having her figure out you were onto her? The both of you were stumped for a while, spending most of the morning thinking for a solution. But eventually you figured it was worth a shot to email all the parents of her students about the situation, keeping a few details under wraps as to mid draw any suspicions. Ask them if they'd seen anything suspicious or alarming regarding the teacher. And thanks to you having the class records from Rosie's investigation you had easy access to the parents emails and phone numbers.

The morning turned to the afternoon as you called each parent asking them for any information they had, and the ones who were at work and couldn't answer the phone you left voice messages for.

"If this doesn't turn up anything, do you have any other ideas?" You asked.

L thought for a moment, tapping his pen on the table.

"Hmm... I mean we could always pull another sneak into the house stunt. You've pulled off two successful ones so far" he replied.

"I could, that's always an option. I'm sure if he cease her computer we'll find messages about the plan"

You crossed off the name of a parent you'd just called on your list, they didn't have any information. So far you'd not found anything useful.

"I think so too, sure we didn't find any on the kidnappers devices but it's totally possible he had the foresight to wipe those particular messages, and she didn't" L said.

"Either that or they talked about the kidnapping plan in person and only used code or vague language while messaging" You replied.

Finding the next phone number you typed it into your phone and put it on speaker so L could hear as well. It rang for a moment, and a lady picked up.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hi, is this Mrs steward? Mother of lacy?" You asked.

"It is, who is this?"

Of course you wouldn't give your real name, instead you used one of the many aliases L have given you for this case.

"I'm detective marigold with the Winchester PI department. I'm calling in regards to the Rosie Nakata case. She was in your child's class before she was kidnapped" you explained.

"Oh my! I've been wondering what's been going on with the case, is everything ok?" The mother replied.

"Rosie is safe, and her kidnapped has been arrested and is awaiting trial. But there's still some loose ends we wish to peruse, which is why I'm calling. Her teacher Miss Andrea, is a person of interest and we are gathering as much information as we can. Have you or your child ever noticed any suspicious behaviour from her or anyone around her?" You asked.

There was a pause, you weren't sure if she was thinking about it or was shocked to hear the teacher was a person of interest.

"Well... now that you tell me that I'm starting to put some pieces together..." she said.

You and L perked up, hoping this would be the lead you needed.

"My daughter, she's full of energy you see. Always bouncing off the walls and eager to do things. She just always has to be occupied, she's always active. But every time we pick her up from school she seems drained and quiet. At first we thought it was just because she was tied after a big day, but after a while we got a little worried so we asked her if everything was ok... she said that her teacher scared her, but didn't elaborate. We didn't think much of it since sometimes kids just don't deal well with loud or personal people. But then..."

The mother paused again, gathering her thoughts. From the tone of her voice, you could tell she was starting to make connections and her mind was filling wish dread. L jotted down everything she was saying, not wanting to miss anything important.

"One day she came home with a bruise on her cheek. She said it was from falling off the playground and she was ok after going to the sick bay and getting some ice, and that's was that until the next day when she didn't want to go to school. She was screaming and crying when we tried to put her uniform on, begging us to let her stay home. And when we asked why, she said again that the teacher scared her. We let her take a few days off, but eventually had to send her back and it took her weeks to adjust. Now you mention that Miss Andrea is a person of interest... I'm starting to wonder if that bruise was caused by her, and that's why Lacy is so scared of her" she explained.

You and L exchanged knowing glances. This mother was absolutely on the right track, and it was clear that the teacher had hit the child. Which goes to show she has a history of violence against children and was absolutely capable of hurting Rosie.

"Ma'am... do you think you could get Lacy to admit what really happened? If she does we would have grounds to investigate on child abuse charges. You of course could press charges as well, unrelated to the Rosie case" you asked.

"You have me worried here, knowing that she could be hurting our children... but yes I'll absolutely talk to Lacy and see if I can get her to tell the truth" she said.

"Thank you, that would be a major help. You can contact me on this number at any time before 9pm and I'll be able to answer any questions and help in any way I can"

"That's much appreciated, I'll talk to her father about this as well and we'll have a chat with her. I'll call back in a few days with results and we can go from there?"

"Absolutely. Thank you for your cooperation"

After exchanging a few more details, you hung up and immediately punched the air in victory and finally having the lead you needed.

"I knew it! I KNEW IT! I knew she was sketchy... although the fact she's in a classroom with those kids right now makes me uneasy" you said.

"The feeling is mutual... but this could be it. We just need to wait for that call back and in the mean time keep going down the list of parents and gathering what we can" L replied.

"God... I hate people like her. Anyone that harms a child should be rotting in hell"

"I can definitely back that up...".

You put the phone down for a moment, getting up and walking over to L's side of the table. You climbed into his lap, making him sit normally for once and wrapped your arms around him.

"You're alright, right? I know child abuse cases can be hard on you" you asked.

"I'm ok, you've helped a lot" L replied, hugging back.

"Take a break if you need to ok? I can handle it"

"Thank you"

He kissed your cheek, and you immediately returned the favour and kissed back.

"You always have to have the last kiss don't you?" He teased.

"Of course I do, I can't let you think you're not loved" you replied, with another kiss.

"Well, I can't let YOU think YOU'RE not loved"

And again, he kissed you. This time on the neck. It was clear he was challenging you to a 'who gets the last kiss' war.

"Oh you wanna play this game do you?" You smirked.

"And if I do?" He replied.

"Then I'm not letting you win... and we shouldn't do it out in the open..."

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