Chapter 35 | located

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You were waiting on an email, one from the computer company that made the laptop traced to BlackPlauge3. If they could provide you with the details of the owner connected to the serial number, you had your guy. It was like the excitement of tracking down your first suspect all over again. You were still kind of shocked to have ended up on a 3-in-1 case out of the blue, but it was a very interesting one.

You'd solved the poison murders you've almost solved the murder on the snuff video, and how you were on your way to solving the case of who ran the hells makers website.

You just needed this damn email to come though.

"This is driving me up the wall, can they just get back to us already?" You sighed.

"It might take a while... annoying" L muttered.

All you could do was sit and wait. You needed this email to progress in the case. Without the identity of the guy you were stuck. So there you both sat, mindlessly spinning in your office chairs waiting for the sound of that notification. The most annoying part of cases was always the waiting game you had to play.

Although, it did give you time to kill for when you had other things to take care of. Just so happens right now you DID'NT have any extra work to catch up on. Of course...


You both stopped your mindless spinning and turned to the doorway where the smallest of the successors stood with his favourite teddy.

"What's up Near?" L replied.

Near wandered over, and L picked the small boy up under the arms and sat him in his lap.

"You're a grown up so you know grown up things right?" He asked.

"Uh... yeah?" L replied, not sure where this was going.

"Why do we have to give up toys when we grow up? I don't want to"

Alright, who was telling this adorable baby that he can't have his toys when he's older? You're throwing hands.

"You don't HAVE to give them up. But lots of people do because they have grown up things to do and no time to play with them. But you can keep them as long as you want and make time for them" L replied.

Near seemed pleased with that, he didn't want to give up his toys. He loved his toys too much to ever grow out of them.

"Good. My teddies would feel sad if I had to give them up, and so would I" he replied.

God you wanted to snuggle that boy so tight he was just so adorable. Maybe it was his tiny size and baggy pyjamas that added to the huggable-ness of him, but he just looked so soft.

"Look at you, being all parental" you teased.

L gave you a glare, having already explained they were just his successors. Even if he did love them and care about them similar to a father.

"Shush you" he replied.

"What's parental?" Near asked.

Ouch, that stung a little. All children should know what parental is, all children deserve parents.

"The way a mummy or daddy acts to a kid" You explained.

He thought for a moment, he hadn't experienced that himself as an orphan. L was the closest he had to it, but he had seen it in books and movies so he got the general idea.

"Can anyone be parental even if they're not your real mummy and daddy?" Near asked.

"Yeah, if they love and care enough. They don't even have to be a mummy and daddy, it can be two mummies or two daddies" L explained.


"Yeah, I have two dads" you added.

He seemed intrigued, he'd never heard of two dads before. Given the fact the media doesn't like to show that kind of thing, and times are definitely better than they were before but still not 100% accepting you weren't surprised this was the first he'd heard of it.

"How do you not mix them up?" He asked.

"I call one dad, and the other father" you explained.

"What if they're not a boy or a girl?"

You and L exchanged a knowing glance. If he was aware of the fact someone can be neither a boy or a girl that young, but only just now figured out you can have two dads, you had the feeling he might come to a realisation later in life.

"You can have two of them as well. Or one mum and one non-binary person, or one dad and one non-binary person" you added.

His little mind was exploding. He was one of the smartest kids in the orphanage but being so young and and orphan there was still a lot about the world he didn't know yet. You can have grown ups love you even if they're not your parents, you can have two parents the same gender, you can be neither gender, you can keep your toys when you grow up? He liked the sound of all of that. Really he just wanted a family, like any other kid. So all this information made him a lot more hopeful.

"You really like learning new things huh?" L said.

Near nodded with a smile, happily kicking his legs.

"Learning is fun! I like knowing lots of things" he

Behind you, the computer finally beeped and the two of you whipped around to face it. Near seemed interested too, staying put in L's lap and watching you both. L opened the email and the two of you read through it.

All the hassle of legal work to get this information was worth it, because right in front of you was all the personal information of the owner of the laptop. Your suspect finally had an identity.

Reed Alexander
37, male, computer programmer.
164 Hollows road, Keychester.

"Bingo, let's run this name though everything we can" You said, newly motivated.

L was already on it, copy and pasting the name into police database to see if he had a criminal record.

"Is that the bad guy you're catching?" Near asked.

"Yep, he's done some real gross stuff" you said.

L was laser focused now, entering the name into every database he could looking for as many personal details as possible.

"Uh-oh. He's focused, that means he'll stop talking again" Near joked.

"He always does that huh?" You giggled.

"Yeah, I don't like talking to many people either though, so it's ok"

Near was right, as long as L has a mission to find as many details as possible he was in the zone and blocking everything else out. He'd talk again when he got his energy back, and when he wasn't on a mission.

"One of my teddies is like L, he only talks sometimes" Near stated.

Uh? Teddies talk? Is he playing pretend or should you be concerned?

"Your teddies talk?" You asked.

"Only sometimes. My blue teddy can talk when you press his tummy, but only sometimes" Near explained.

Oh good, it was probably just a dying battery making the voice box only work sometimes. It's kind of cute he associates it with L though, and sees the two as similar.

"Blue teddy is L but a toy huh?" You said.

"Yeah he's a teddy version of L, expect L's taller and has less fluffies"

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