Chapter 66 | case closed

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The true crime community was going wild with this case. Three cases all connected together spanning across the globe? One wild story that's for sure. Now the case was officially closed and information is public, the media were going insane covering the story of one of the craziest cases in recent years.

And of course all the conspiracy theorists have come out of the woodworks to speculate on L. It was quite funny watching people online debate on who L was. If they were a girl or boy, one person or a whole company, young or old, some government agency or a rough detective doing what the justice system won't touch.

All these theories and yet, none of them even came close to guessing he was just some super smart 20 something year old guy who hasn't slept in days. You may be one of the only people outside wammys that knows L's true identity, and it was an honour to know so.

And even better, he was your boyfriend.

Now the case was closed, all you'd been doing was sitting back and watching the news cover it and the public reaction. You had a flight booked to go see your dads, but it wasn't until next week. You had some time to kill.

In that time you'd been taking care of the successors and Rosie, watching news coverage, organise the trip back, relaxing by sleeping in. And of course some fun with L here and there.

It was a relief to have this case behind you, and definitely one that would up your credibility as a detective. It also gave you the idea to expand the types of cases you worked on. Obviously discrimination and hate crime cases were your core, the thing you'd always fall back on since these issues deserved justice. But maybe you could do a kidnapping or murder here and there. It was a fun challenge, and with L's help you'd definitely be able to solve more than a few.

"It didn't take the news long to make a million broadcasts on it huh?" You commented, flipping though channel after channel seeing the case covered over and over.

"It really didn't. And I'm not surprised honestly, it's not only a crazy case but one my name is tied to. All the L conspiracies are coming back" L replied.

"You find it funny don't you?"

"When people say I'm actually a secret government organisation run by the CIA or something? Yeah"

It was pretty funny, the contrast between all this wild speculation and the real L.

"You're just a guy" you snickered.

"Yep, I'm just a guy" he giggled.

"What's the weirdest one you've heard?"

"Hmm... probably the one that I'm actually an alien and I'm solving all these cases to show humans how bad we are"

You gave him an amused, but shocked look. Some of the stuff people on the internet came up with... it was definitely something.

"Yes because you're definitely of extra terrestrial origin and totally not some guy from Winchester" you laughed.

You wondered, if people started to figure out L was working with someone else under a ton of aliases, would people start making crazy theories about you? Would people think you're an alien too? Would there be L x You fanfic even though the world only knows you by a calligraphy letter on a screen? It was fun to think about. But right now you had other things to think about, like packing for the trip.

"By the way, when we get to my dads place it'll be pretty hot. It's the middle of summer over there so you might wanna pack some shorter clothes" you said, remembering the trip was only a week away.

"Uh... I don't think I have many. I've always been a long sleeves person" L replied.

"Pack what you have, we can get more we still have a week. My dads have a pool too so pack swimming stuff"

"Rosie will love that, she'd been talking non stop about how it's summer over at your dads place"

Rosie was officially coming with you, and the successors understood why and there were no hard feelings. Even if it would be cool to bring them all. They made L promise he'd be back by the end of the year, and take no detours for wild cases so he could see them again. He agreed of course, wanting to see them too.

"I bet she will, that reminds me we gotta go out and get her swimming stuff before we leave. Better do it this weekend" you said.

"I'm sure she'll be happy with a shopping trip to buy cute summer clothes too, every time she makes me play with her it's usually dress ups or hair salon" L replied.

"She does like her fashion, and I've noticed the occasional hair clips in your hair too. So that's where they come from"

"She covers me in butterfly clips, honestly I don't mind as long as she's happy. Plus, I look great in glittery clips"

Even if he was joking, it was true. L looked good in everything and he was cute as hell with little butterflies in his hair. You were honestly so happy seeing him get along with Rosie and take the time to play with her, she really needed parental figures after what happened and L was making a great dad. Rosie was a girly girl too and he'd go along with all her dress ups and tea parties, because he loved to see her happy.

And seeing the two of them happy made you happy.

Rosie was going to grow up to be a smart, beautiful, caring and understanding girl thanks to L's influence. She understood that not everyone was the same and some aren't as lucky to have perfect health or lots of money or parents like other people. She understood that sometimes you can have two dads or two mums, and sometimes people weren't even a boy or girl at such a young age. She understood that sometimes when bad things happen, it leaves long term effects on people.

She was smart, and would grow to be even smarter thanks to the way L was teaching her.

You were so proud of the both of them, and so glad to call them your family.

"Hey L" you spoke up.


"I'm proud of you"

"For talking for so long, or the case?" He asked.

"Both, and being a good dad for Rosie" you replied.

L put his head on your shoulder and wrapped an arm around you, giving you a loving squeeze.

"Thank you, and you know I'm proud of you too right?" He replied.

"I know, you tell me all the time"

"Because you deserve to hear it. I love you (y/n)"

"I love you too L"

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