Chapter 41 | monday

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Monday morning, the day of the ambush.

You and L woke up early, ate the worlds quickest breakfast and were out of the orphanage before sunup. You took one of the cars with a tough exterior and tinted windows for safety. You had your communicators synced with all your agents, and they were on the scene bright and early too.

Now you knew who the suspect was and had a location, you knew what number plates to look out for and who to track.

The plan was simple, keep close tabs on everyone involved. Have the agents surround the area quietly and quickly so they wouldn't get spotted and there'd be no chance of escape. Once they were surrounded, go in for the ambush. Make the arrests, capture everyone involved and cease all the properly, rescue the girl.

Your job was finding the victim in the building and getting her out safely. So for most of the morning you and L sat in the car, hidden out of sight and watched the building with binoculars. Listening into all your agents awaiting the right moment.

"You see them?" L asked.

"Not since they walked in, I think the girl was in the box the took in because I didn't see any girl" you replied.

Handing him the binoculars, you let him look while you continued to get ready. These were dangerous criminals you were dealing with so you had to be protected. Bulletproof vest, helmet, self defence weapons, the works. Even though you were in England where guns are much harder to come by, they were still out there among criminals.

Listening to the radio chatter of all the agents, you could tell things were almost ready.

You strapped up your helmet, and with that you were ready to get in that building and find that girl.

"Ok, I'm ready. Tell me when" you said, kissing L's cheek and getting out of the car.

Scattered around the area were a few others in gear like you, all ready to make the arrest.

"In position, I repeat in position. Ready when you are" the radio spoke the voice of the head agent.

You looked back at L through the window, he nodded the ok.

"There's two minutes until 12:45, at that time exactly we move in. I repeat 12:45" you replied into the radio.

"Roger, copy that"

It was time, you were getting that girl.

You drew your gun, you didn't like to use guns but in situations like these it was best too. You'd never shoot to kill, only disable. For a moment as the clock ticked, it was quiet. Only the sounds of the wind and birds nearby could he heard. It was a deafening silence, you stood there just watching the building and waiting in anticipation.

You were getting that girl. Even if it killed you.

You took a breath to psych yourself up, and just as you exhaled, it was all systems go. The clock hit 12:45, the radio sounded and all units moved in. Your only goal was to find that girl, the agents would make the arrests, so as a massive commotion broke out and people began to yell, you ignored everything and went right for the side door into the building.

You noticed one of the criminals try to escape out a window knowing they were busted, but got quickly tackled and disarmed. L watched everything from the car window, hoping everything went smoothly and you'd be ok.

You almost jumped when you heard shots be fired from the other side of the building and the radio immediately scream "shots fired! Backup west side" But you had to stay calm and focused.

You reached the side door, kicked it until it opened and made your way in holding your gun up ready to fire. You were met with a long hall, at the end of it was the main room of the warehouse where you could see a stand off between agents and criminals occurring. But you turned to the stairs and quickly headed up to check the area. You stayed quiet, slowly approaching the corner hearing commotion upstairs.

Peeking around the corner you saw none other than the ringleader himself. Reed Alexander, your main suspect. Behind him was the box you'd stopped being carried in beforehand.

"Shut your fucking mouth, don't make a sound-" he snapped.

You heard a worried sniffle and you immediately knew he had the victim in there as well.

This was it, it was all on you.

Pulling the hammer back you stepped out and pointed the gun right at him.


Reed jumped and frantically grabbed a handgun from his waistband. You couldn't see the girl, but there was a storage closet slightly open and you knew she'd be in there.


You and Reed stood there in a stand-off for a moment, both pointing guns at each other. You had the advantage with protective gear and backup quickly rushing up the stairs.

"Put down the gun, then no one gets hurt" you said.

"How the Fuck did you find this place? HOW THE FUCK DID YOU?!" He screamed.

The way he was acting was erratic, and his expression indicated he was probably a bit high. This was probably a drop off for the girl and a drug trade.

"Reed just put the gun down and we can end this civilly" you said.


Just as backup appeared behind you, he fired at you hitting the wall behind you and ricocheting just past your helmet. When the gun fired you heard the scream of the girl in the closet out of fear, you knew she was in there. You shot back, in the hand so he'd drop the gun. His hand went limp and began to bleed as he doubled over in pain, the gun fell ti the floor and discharged another bullet into the wall.

The two agents behind you quickly rushed to detain him, as he thrashed in their grip.

You immediately disarmed your gun and put it back in its holster heading straight for the closet door. You threw it open and felt your heart sink when you saw what was inside.

She was a child.

No older than 6 from her appearance. She was small, malnourished, a complete mess and covered in wounds. Tears ran down her face and she looked absolutely terrified. As much as you wanted to turn around and stomp Reeds head in for hurting her, you needed to get her out.

She looked up at you, scared and confused. You ducked down to her level and reached a hand out for her.

"It's ok, it's ok. I'm an agent and I'm going to get you to safety ok? I'm here to rescue you" you said, in your softest tone.

She hesitated for a moment, but when she saw the other agents dragging Reed off in handcuffs behind you, it all registered that she was finally getting out of here. She scrambled over to you and leapt into your arms, clinging to you as tight as she could and crying into your shoulder.

"Victim found and secured, requesting medical attention" you radioed quickly before wrapping your arms around her tightly.

"You're ok now honey, you'll be alright. You're going to be just fine..." you assured, picking her up to take her out of the crime scene.

You wanted to scream bloody murder and the words worst insults into the criminals faces for what they'd done, if you weren't a detective with morals you'd have shot and killed them on sight for what they did to this poor girl. But right now you had to push aside your anger and get her out of here.

You walked back through the way you came now that everyone was disarmed and detained. Walking across the large parking area seeing flashing police lights and several officers holding the criminals down you kept the girls head to your shoddier so she didn't have to see any of this mess while she sobbed her eyes out.

Approaching the car, L looked over through the window when he noticed you and opened the door to talk to you. But when he saw what you carried in his arms his heart sank too. As you walked up to the car all he could do was stare in terror.

"That's..." he muttered.

You sighed, hearing the pain in his voice.

"A child... I know"

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