Chapter 4 | more in common

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L had done background checks on you when he hired you. But they were mainly about your work, not so much your personal life. He didn't really care what the people who worked for him did outside of work as long as they weren't criminals. But after meeting you in person, he got curious.

What was your life like?

You were such a nice person, clearly your parents raised you right.

So his late night was spent doing a more extensive background check then usual, he could ask you for details on your life of course, but he felt... awkward about it. Maybe it was just his bad social skills but he felt like asking 'what was growing up overseas like?' Was a little too personal for having only met recently.

But he was so curious, he was a detective after all. He liked to know things, little details about the people around him. Made him feel safer knowing if someone was a good person outside work. He wasn't expecting to have so much in common with you though, he was rather shocked when he found out that you too... were adopted.

Although you didn't exactly have the same situation as he did. His parents straight up abandoned him before Watari took him in. But you were given up at birth straight into the adoption agency. There were no details in the records as to why, but you were just a baby then so you wouldn't even remember your birth parents. He remembered his, not in a good way. But he remembered them.

The records said you'd been adopted at a few months old by two men, who were looking To have kids but since they were both men, had limited options. From there you attended the local primary school, got decent grades and eventually the local high school. It was university that caused you to move away, as you'd gotten degrees in law to be a private investigator. Although judging how nicely you treated people, he was sure you kept in contact with everyone you know back home.

He couldn't help but feel a little... connected, in way. You were both adoptees, and detectives. It seems like you had more in common than he thought.

By the time he's finished his extra research, he'd completely lost track of time and ended up being bought back into reality with a knock on the hotel room door. He jumped, suddenly realising it was already morning and he'd pulled an all nighter... that's why he was tired.

That knock must be you, so he got up and opened the door for you to be met with a box held out for him.

"I got cake this time!" You smiled.

He lit up, cake was his favourite. Taking the box and opening the lid he found it was a big, fluffy strawberry shortcake. His favourite. You could tell from the smile on his face you'd made a good pick. He gave you a thumbs up as a thank you gesture, and let you in.

You put your bag down, and set up your laptop on the table next to his where you'd already been doing research.

"I kinda got hyper fixated and pulled an all nighter but I looked into all the potential poisons it could be and-"

You stopped mid sentence, seeing your ID photo on L's laptop. Once he realised he immediately panicked, thinking you found all the in depth background checks creepy.

"Not surprised you'd run so many background checks. I'm sure there's some criminals out there that want your head huh?" You said.

His mind went blank for a moment, he wasn't expecting you to understand his caution.

"If you need more ID I can bring it... although some of it is probably back at dad and fathers place, might have to get them to mail it"

L picked up his notebook and frantically wrote a response.

No it's ok. I was just curious to see your university degrees and all that. I'm surprised you understand actually.

Reading it over his shoulder, you watched his handwriting turn messy the faster he wrote.

"L your literally the worlds greatest detective and one of the most anonymous people out there. Extensive background checks make sense. Anyway I looked into the possible poisons-" you replied.

He wasn't used to people not finding him weird... it was kind of a shock. But a nice one. He shook away the confusion and turned to face your laptop screen.

"So the most lethal is Polonium, literally a seven trillionth of a gram is enough to kill someone. But it's a radioactive substance so can't see how it would go undetected in an autopsy. So that's out. Thallium is probably not an option either since while it is colourless and odourless so it could easily be hidden in food or drinks, it is detectable in blood. So an autopsy would see it..." you began.

L was impressed with the amount of notes you'd taken. Bullet points under each potential poison of pros and cons, why it could be the answer and why it couldn't be the answer. Most of them had more cons than pros, although there was one stood out.

"Aconite. It comes from a flower and causes the heart to shut down, it can be crushed and mixed into food so you wouldn't taste or smell it. And most autopsies would just rule the death a heart attack, as there's so little of the flower left in the body by the time the heart shuts down. I think it's our best bet, most of the victims died of what seemed to be some kind of heart failure. Like they were ok one second and dead the next, the only way that could happen is if the heart just stopped. Aconite does exactly that, and barely leaves a trace" you explained.

Reading over the information you'd pulled up, L grabbed the file of autopsy reports to double check, and sure enough all the deaths were rules undetermined or heart failure. If it was a poison that killed them, this was it. He took his pen, and began to write.

I'm impressed you managed to figure out a potential weapon this quickly. If it is a poison that's definitely the most likely candidate. If all the victims have ingested something with aconite in it prior to their death it's definitely the weapon. It would mean the victims must have eaten at a restaurant or something before the died, that way the killer who works in the kitchen can mix the poison in and get away with it. Either that, or the killer finds a victim they like, stalks and plants the poison in something they eat.

You had your weapon, now you needed to figure out how the poison got into the victims in the first place. From there you could find a pattern and lead back to the killer.

"I'll look through all the testimonies from the friends and family of the victims and see if there's a pattern of them going to restaurant or cafe before dying. If not then it might be the stalker option" you replied.

Each day that passed, L just became more impressed with you.

You were understanding of his condition, were nice to him, bought him cakes, figured out a potential weapon before he did and worked all night without even being asked. He was absolutely sure he'd made the right choice hiring you, and so far he loved working with you. Not to mention, you had more in common than he thought.

There was just something about you...

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