Chapter 13 | suspect

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This guy just looked creepy.

You and sat the room across from the suspect, Max Deandrews. He seemed to be wrapped up in whatever was on his laptop, all the other students in the cafeteria area ignored him and he sat alone. He had no clue you and L were there in the crowd, just watching.

"He fits the appearance. Even with the small amount of footage we have he seems to fit" you muttered.

You could hear the buttons of L's phone being pressed as you gazed over at your suspect. When your phone buzzed you looked down for L's reply.

You think it's him? And potentially his friends? I do. We need solid evidence of course but he just... feels off.

"Yeah it's gotta be him. He's by all accounts a bad person from all the information we gathered, he fits the description and was seen stalking the latest victim. We just need to background check and see if he had some kind of connection to the other victims" you replied.

Seeing the suspect in person always made things feel more real. Like you were more sure of yourself. You had no doubt in your mind this was the killer, or at the very least he had a connection to the killer. L seemed to be on the same page as you, his glare over at Max was a sour one. Your phone buzzed again, and you turned to read it.

He just looks like one of the kids that used to bully me. Makes me feel ick.

You had no doubt L had unfortunately experienced bullying because of his condition. You had no idea just how bad he'd had it before, but you could imagine being mute would make you a target for mean kids.

"Yeah he just has that vibe. He looks like the kind of kid that'd call my dads a slur during class... Ugh" you sighed.

Saying that made L remember you had two dads, he imagined some mean kids would have picked on you for that in your life. It was unfortunately just how some horrible people were. But it did make him feel like he had a little more in common with you, a hardship with other kids your age in the past.

He never had a proper family, Watari being the closest thing he had to a father. He couldn't imagine having a mum and a dad, or a dad and a dad. But the orphaned experience did give him a very particular view on family.

Those who have a good family, no matter the size, shape or gender, are the luckiest people in the world. But family doesn't always equal love, some parents harm their children, some siblings tear families part. Just because you have a family doesn't mean you're automatically loved and lucky. If you have a GOOD family, that's what makes you loved and lucky.

He was glad it seemed you never had to go through what he did, and both your dads loved and supported you from the moment you were adopted. He could only dream of a childhood like that.

"I think the best course is action is to background check everything. His family, friends, everything. And when we have enough information and circumstantial evidence, THEM we take him in for questioning. If we tip him off now he might try and cover things up" you said.

L nodded in agreement, and the two of you were satisfied with your days work. It was time to head back to the hotel and simply file away your findings for the day. As well as prepare to move hotels. You heard back for the car, and decided to get snacks on the way back.

Snacks seemed to be your thing, you and L always got snacks when you met up.

So of course you had to stop by a breadtop and get some sweet buns, it was a tradition at this point. By the time you got back L was mentally exhausted. He wasn't used to going out all day, having to constantly worry about strangers talking to him, he might need a nap after all this. First time he'd willingly wanted sleep in ages.

"Ah there you are, how was it?" Watari asked as you walked in the door.

"Good. Got some extra information and saw the suspect. He's sketch as hell" you replied.

L nodded in agreement, the look of tiredness on his face apparent.

"Aren't you drained? You're not used to all these outings aren't you?" Watari teased.

L just nodded again, looking tired.

"You can take a nap, I'll file everything" you offered.

He shook his head, gesturing to the boxes you still had to pack up to move hotels with, all of them full of case information.

"Seriously it's fine, you never get enough sleep as it is" you assured.

L looked conflicted. He was tired but didn't want to dump extra work on you, ultimately he decided to take the offer. He hasn't slept in a while, he was well and truly tired.

"Get some sleep you damn owl, I'll see you in the morning, I'll probably be gone by the time you're up again" you smiled.

He'd come to expect it now, but that didn't stop him from internally freaking out each time you pulled him in for a goodbye or goodnight hug. But he allowed it, he had no complainants at all.

He liked you, you were gentle and warm, you smelt good.

With the hug etched into his sensations he sleepily made it to his room and face planted into the pillows, only to scream into them with overwhelming excitement. Every time you touched him he couldn't help but feel truly alive.

"God what have I become?" He muttered to himself.

He had no idea he's be such a mess in the face of a crush, he was usually a serious person. But here he was, screaming into the pillows and kicking his legs in joy. With a hug that that took send him to sleep, he'd surely have sweet dreams.

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