Chapter 36 | on a roll

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A/n: will I continue the tradition of the 37th chapter being smut? Yea. So prepare for that next chapter. And warning for a lil spicy talk here for the lead up. Another note: since the reader is gender queer and not specifically a boy or girl there'll be a bit of talk about that. Although I'm aware most of my readers are AFAB so it'll be alluded the reader is also AFAB, although not necessarily a woman.

You finally had the identity of your culprit. Now you had a plan, you knew where to go from here. Everything was falling into place and you were on a roll.

Due to the suspect being in the next city over, you'd need to spend a few days down there to investigate him close up. So you'd planned to get a hotel just outside the city for a few days while you ran through the latest mission. The goal was the track suspect Reed Alexander with bugs and hidden cameras so you knew his whereabouts at all times. That way you could find any drop of points, drug labs, gang hideouts etc that were linked to his crimes.

From there you could unravel the whole operation he was running from the inside out and bust him as well as anyone else involved. Getting into his computer was a must as well, if you could install a software that allowed you to see all his actions on his computer you could use that as evidence as well.

It was going to be risky, riskier than when you bugged Max. But if you pulled it off it would allow you the upper hand without him even knowing he was being investigated. It was a bit legally grey, but you were more concerned with getting this guy and his operation shut down than anything else.

"What? But you just got back!" Mello whined.

"I'll be back again. It's only for a few days so we can track the suspect" L replied.

The boys were rather annoyed that L had just came back and was already leaving again, but he assured them it would be a very quick trip this time. He missed them as much as they missed him.

"You promise?" Matt asked.

"Promise. We'll be gone tomorrow and back on Thursday, you won't even notice we're gone" L replied.

"Don't worry, I'll drag his ass back if I have too" you added.

They weren't too pleased, but were more at ease knowing it'd only be a few days.

"Ok... but you have to tell us everything that happens AND play with us when you get back" Near said.

"That I can do. Promise, I'll even get you all something from the city, any requests?" L asked.

The boys immediately perked up at the promise of presents, quickly gathering their mental wish lists to decide what they wanted.

"Ooo! Get me a new game for my DS!" Matt asked.

"Get me a leather jacket! I really want one but don't have enough allowance for it" Mello asked.

"Hmm... a puzzle" Near added.

"DS game, leather jacket, puzzle. Ok I'll remember that" L replied.

He spoilt those kids when he went away, always coming back with a cool present for them. You found it cute how he'd kind of stepped in as a father figure for them, as much as he insisted they were 'just his successors'.

"And you three better behave while I'm gone. Don't think you can get away with anything, Roger and Watari are watching you three" L added.

Their devilish smiles of misbehaviour told your their true intentions, but their sweet innocent voices covered it up.

"We will..." they agreed, in unison.

Since you were only going one city over, Watari was staying behind to attend to orphanage work. As well as an attempt to get L to be more independent. He had you with him after all, what could go wrong? You'd take a bullet for the man. You and L took care of each other, you were both adults, you could broth survive a few days on your own.

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